How to not look like fattest person in gym?

Any tips?

I want to leave right after walking in most times.

How do you go about not look like fattest person in gym? Maybe baggy clothes or something?


  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member
    If you look like your profile pic, and your gym is like mine, just go to the gym. You won't look like the fattest person there because you won't be. And in couple of months, you'll be a lot smaller, so a lot more people will look bigger than you.

    Even more importantly, though, just don't worry about it. When I see people bigger than me at the gym, I don't think much at all. But if I think anything, I think "good for them".
  • tyrsnbdr
    tyrsnbdr Posts: 234 Member
    Any tips?

    I want to leave right after walking in most times.

    How do you go about not look like fattest person in gym? Maybe baggy clothes or something?

    Go in there and own your work out. And continue to own it, people won't care. Wear something confortable and functionable.
  • 100toloose
    100toloose Posts: 151 Member
    If you look like your profile pic, and your gym is like mine, just go to the gym. You won't look like the fattest person there because you won't be. And in couple of months, you'll be a lot smaller, so a lot more people will look bigger than you.

    Even more importantly, though, just don't worry about it. When I see people bigger than me at the gym, I don't think much at all. But if I think anything, I think "good for them".
    Id love to join to the gym,but it is holding me back- what would people think?
    So- Im glad someone posted this question.. Ill keep on eye on it :)
  • cardinalsfootball
    cardinalsfootball Posts: 167 Member
    The simple reality is... no one really cares.

    They are focused on themselves, and if they are single or have a roving eye, on attractive members of the opposite sex.

    They really could care less about everything else.

    And if they ever did start to care, as has been said, 90% of the time they are thinking... "good for him/her for doing something about it."
  • Briargrey
    Briargrey Posts: 498 Member
    I was going to the gym at 300 pounds. I wasn't the fattest person. But you know what? I was definitely close. And I definitely didn't care. You are there to get fit and be healthy. MOST people aren't judging you negatively. MOST people, if they even bother to notice, will be thinking 'good for you' and then stop thinking about it. And those small few who are judgmental jerks? Not even worth the effort to think about.

    If you let the idea of potential judgment stop you before you hit the door, you've let your negative energy win.

    Don't. Go to the gym. Work out.
  • anorrisdyer
    anorrisdyer Posts: 52 Member
    I go to the gym at my University, and most of the people there are maintaining a healthy weight, where I am crawling my way towards it. I was very preoccupied with this when I first started going, but now I just blast my music and don't look at others while I am getting my cardio on. Oh, and having a gym buddy helps, as having someone to talk to and take your attention off of how you might be larger than some others in the gym is invaluable.
  • RoyBeck
    RoyBeck Posts: 947 Member
    Don't give a hoot about anyone other than yourself. Stick to your programme to meet your goals. You'll gain confidence over the coming weeks/months and wonder what you worried about. Wear comfortable clothing too.

    You've got this.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Walk in like you own the place and get down to business, outward confidence breeds inward confidence, and visa versa. And confidence can make up for a lot of shortcomings.

  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    No one cares what you look like, what you are doing or how you look doing it. I started at 375 and once i realized that no one cares it became a lot easier to get in there day after day and make it happen.

    You got this!
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    Soak it up and use it as motivation to not leave. Get pissed, get work done, rinse and repeat.
  • rworton
    Walk in the door, dress out, work out and think about losing those pounds, everybody in there is there to look better.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    "You wouldn't worry what people think about you, if you realized how little they did."

    ^^ Truth bomb. Nobody cares. People at the gym are there to mind their own business, and the only time I make note of a fat person at my gym is to silently cheer them off for having the guts to change.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    The best tools you can give yourself
    "no one gives a fu*k" say that over and over and over- because no one cares.
    educate yourself. If you don't go in with a plan- you are going to feel uncomfortable and flounder about. Research- even if it's 3 basic exercises- go in- do those three things and leave.

    if you don't know what you are doing- it's going to make you feel even more uncomfortable. Have a plan of attack and being sure of what you know you need to do will go a long way- I promise.

    no one cares- and education- two most important gifts you can give yourself!
    If you look like your profile pic, and your gym is like mine, just go to the gym. You won't look like the fattest person there because you won't be. And in couple of months, you'll be a lot smaller, so a lot more people will look bigger than you.

    Even more importantly, though, just don't worry about it. When I see people bigger than me at the gym, I don't think much at all. But if I think anything, I think "good for them".
    Id love to join to the gym,but it is holding me back- what would people think?
    So- Im glad someone posted this question.. Ill keep on eye on it :)

    You're assuming that the "gym" is where fit amazing bodies hang out. it's not- it's where they get fashioned- tailored and trained. You have no idea how many people were in your shoes who are now those fit hard bodies you see.

    Trust me- someone was where you were once- you are not the only one- and sure it's a little uncomfortable but going is a step to change- people respect that. I give more props to those people than a lot of other guys. You are clearly there trying to change your life.
  • odddrums
    odddrums Posts: 342 Member
    I wear oversized shirts and shorts/sweats that don't really fit anymore, they help with extra mobility and let me not look as chubby.

    Everyone else is right though, you really should just go and not care. I'm sure other people at the gym don't care what you look like and as long as you're nice they'll probably be nice back to you.
  • SouthernMommy11
    Everyone at the gym is there to improve themselves! You have to start somewhere. Everyone had to start somewhere! Be proud youre going.
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    People don't care and are so into themselves at the gym. If I see a really over weight person at the gym, I am actually happy that they are there and maybe wonder for a moment what they are going to look like in a few months if they stick to it. This thought lasts about 2 seconds and then I'm back to thinking about myself and wondering what I am going to look like in a few months if I stick to it.
  • jesshandley10
    Just go for it! Yes it takes a hell of a lot of guts at first but the more you go the easier it gets. To be fair I was shocked at the amount of looks I did not get.... I promise nobody actually cares! Do it :) Keep us all updated on how it goes!
  • tavenne323
    tavenne323 Posts: 332 Member
    I think when people wear baggy clothing they look fatter than they actually are. Get a pair of basketball shorts that fit (and stay up) and a sleeveless shirt that is loose, but not down to your knees. And if you are lifting over your head, your stomach shouldn't show.

    That being said, no one at the gym cares what other people look like. They are all worried about how THEY look. Walk in with confidence. If you do anything at the gym you are doing more than most people in the world. Just getting there shows that you have the motivation to make a healthy change in your life.

    I know when I see people running outside that are larger, I always think they are super awesome, because I'm not out running...I didn't make the time...
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    As long as you're not wearing skin tight leotards or a mankini, wear whatever. Honestly, few people care what you wear as long as your covered, they are busy doing their thing.

    Wear what YOU feel comfortable.

    I wear long shirts because I don't want people watching my *kitten*, but that is me. I'm already standing out - I wear "funny" gym shirts (motovation = t-rex chasing a stick person, gym zombie & cardio is practice for running from the zombies) and are in the WEIGHT section.

    Trust me, after a while, you'll feel more comfortable and not worry about it.
  • theguy12
    theguy12 Posts: 156
    Thanks for input. I guess I only feel like everyone is looking because that is all I am doing it looking around at all the different people the whole time and what they are doing. I can't help myself.