Litter boxes

Beastmaster50 Posts: 505 Member
I know its not a fun chat lol. Arm&Hammer clump andcseal is everything it's advertised to be. Best litter we've ever used for odor control.


  • starlaca
    starlaca Posts: 779 Member
    Thank you!!! I just bought a new one and it doesn't work at all. Will pick up some of the one you mentioned from Target today. :)
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I use kitty litter for when my car gets stuck in the snow. It works miracles!
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    ugh! BARF!!!:sad:
  • Cats Best Oko Plus. The absolute best litter I have ever used. It's a clumping litter made from wood, so no danger of lung and digestive damage that is so often associated with clay clumping litters.

    It has the best odor control I have ever smelt, the smell of the litter itself is pretty neutral for us and cats, which is also a plus in my books. I hate the way scented stuff smells and so do my cats.

    The one and only downside is that it does scatter a bit, but that was fixed with a cat litter mat at the door to the laundry.
  • EllieB_5
    EllieB_5 Posts: 247 Member
    Wheat grass cat litter is what we use; it cuts the smell nicely.
  • 1pandabear
    1pandabear Posts: 336 Member
    Glad you like your method. I use just a small pile of clay litter, about the size of the inner perimeter of a toilet seat, in a full sized litter box. I toss it all completely every day. Then I spray the empty box with scent remover from the pet store and wipe it dry with toilet paper.
    This way, I use much less litter now than I ever used before and it doesn't smell.
    Before, when I filled the litter box with litter, and covered that with a sprinkled layer of baking soda, and I only scooped the poop daily and only changed the litter once weekly, the odor of urine in the house was very strong all the time.
    Much better now and cheaper too. I am pretty sure the cats like it.