

Hi All

I'm new to MFP but not new to trying to acheive a healthy weight.
I'm a 50 year old, happily married lady. My fab son is 27 years old & lives about 40 minutes away. Contentment means lovely food - my OH & I have been together for 6 (mainly expanding) years. Total gut wrenching sadness means tons of comfort food - we lost my adored Dad to cancer in August last year. It's been so difficult - still is.

Life goes on & if I want to live a healthy life for as long as possible I really NEED to do something positive to make that happen. It's time to get off my bum & get on with it. It's obvious isn't it? Eat less (and make better food choices) move more. How hard can it be????? :laugh: Ohmygoodness - here we go...... Good luck everyone.

L x


  • clahut
    clahut Posts: 211 Member
    It's funny - you can make it sound so simple by saying - eat less, do more - but it is never that simple :smile:

    I think the biggest thing you need is the will to change. If I am being honest, I should have started trying to do this years ago, not just 3 months ago - but your head has to be in the right place to allow you to commit to make the necessary changes. It sounds like you have reached a point where you ready to start.

    My experience so far is that the people who use this site are wonderful at encouragement and support. I have already found some great people who help motivate me.

    Good luck and welcome.

  • Adusenka
    Adusenka Posts: 108 Member
    Welcome and good luck on your journey :)
  • NavySailor
    NavySailor Posts: 84 Member
    Welcome and good luck! You CAN and WILL do it!!!!
  • chriscuts
    Hi Lyn, welcome to this site, I'm new too, just 2 weeks tomorrow, and loving it! I find the people are great for support, and the tools are fantastic to aid with your fitness and weight loss... good luck x
  • Beebee78
    Welcome to the site.

    Sorry to hear of your loss. You will find so much support here. Good luck on your journey xxx
  • lynneb0204
    Thank you all for your lovely welcome.

    L x