14 Weeks to Christmas Challenge!!



  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    I'm ready to start tomorrow!!

    I've given up chocolate about 3 weeks ago with my detox and then atkins, which I'm on for the rest of the week.
    BUT I've been eating diabetic chocolate as this is super low carbs!!
    A little treat/cheat I've been rather indulging in!!
    So Wednesday to Wednesday... No Diabetic chocolate either!!!

    That will be tough, was my treat :sad:

    As I'm already pretty much at my goal weight I'm just going to be joining you for the weekly challenges as a way to keeping motivated while I'm maintaining my weight loss and keep me moving forward with more exercise.
    Hope this is alright with everyone!! xxxx

    GOOD LUCK TO ALL :flowerforyou:
  • Wittwoo Yep im in for defo thanks ladies, good idea!

    Location: West Yorkshire
    I like: Long Island iced tea and dangly earrings.
    I don't like: The hangover that follows too many Long Island iced teas
    Current typical or usual exercise: Have only just started but Im planning on jogging and using my aerobics dvds
    Current Starting Weight: 203
    Aim for next week: 200
    Personal 14 week Goal: to lose at LEAST 14 lbs before crimbo!

    Good luck everyone!
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    Crap, I just realized that one of my STAPLE snacks has chocolate.

    That's okay ... it's only for a week, right? *gulp* :embarassed:

    YAY! I'm all excited! :happy:
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Hi everyone,

    This is a great group and I would love to join. Please count me in.

    Location: Sheffield, England
    I like: mfp, chocolate, biscuits, snacking, anything bad for me really.....
    I don't like: parsnips, ignorance, coffee
    Current typical or usual exercise: I try and exercise every day and vary my routine such as exercise bike, 30DS, zumba, turbo jam, tae bo etc etc.......(not all on the same day of course!)
    Current Starting Weight: 154lbs
    Aim for next week: 153lbs
    Personal 14 week Goal: 140lbs to my goal weight!

    I would love to lose 14lbs by christmas but my weight loss has slowed right down. I am hoping that I can shift this weight once and for all!
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    I'd like to join this challenge

    Location: Minnesota USA
    I like: Riding my motorcycle
    I don't like:
    Current typical or usual exercise: Walking
    Current Starting Weight: 212
    Aim for next week: 210
    Personal 14 week Goal: 180
  • Sounds good to me, I'm in!

    Who needs chocolate anyway! Sob sob!!!!!!!

    Location: Matlock, Derbyshire, UK
    I like: Reading, cooking, cinema, my family and friends
    I don't like: looking at myself in the mirror, trying to find clothes to fit when I'm going out
    Current typical or usual exercise: errrrrrrrr!!!! mmmmmmmmm!!!!!
    Current Starting Weight: 246lb
    Aim for next week: 244lb
    Personal 14 week Goal: 14-21lb
  • Nita_Bita
    Nita_Bita Posts: 136 Member
    I'm in! No chocolate is going to be sooo hard for me, but I can do it :D

    Location: Louisiana, USA
    I like: Sparkly things, reading, and music
    I don't like: My huge belly bulge, my double chin :(
    Current typical or usual exercise: yoga and sometimes cardio
    Current Starting Weight: 158 lbs
    Aim for next week: 157 lbs
    Personal 14 week Goal: To lose at least 10 lbs. That would be amazing for me xD
  • mrsdavidtennant
    mrsdavidtennant Posts: 16 Member
    What does 'bump' mean??? :embarassed:

    Count me in this is a fantastic idea!!! I'm off to bed now though but will post my details on here tomorrow. No chocolate here I come :bigsmile:
  • ghalliday
    ghalliday Posts: 46 Member
    :happy: I'm definately up for this challenge......

    Location: Birmingham, UK
    I like: Visiting new places, the cinema, nice restaurants, alcohol
    I don't like: Ignorant, rude narrow minded people/ feeling fat
    Current typical/ usual exercise: Swimming/ Gym
    Current Starting Weight: 184 lbs.
    Aim for Next Week: 182 lbs.
    Personal 14 week goal: 28 lbs.
  • alyana1
    alyana1 Posts: 19 Member
    Oh dear.. i don't know if i could give up chocolate for a week, thats a horrible thing to even suggest when i work nightshift!! Although.. i don't start my nightshift till wednesday.. so as soon as it hits midnight i'll be eating it!

    Location: Edinburgh, Scotland
    I like: Driving, chocolate, cinema, music and being with friends
    I don't like: Sciatic pain (its a right pain in the *kitten*).. not having pennies and feeling fat
    Current typical or usual exercise: Badminton once a week, but always on my feet at work.
    Current Starting Weight: 196
    Aim for next week: 194
    Personal 14 week Goal: 2lbs a week please... so 2 stone!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Alyana1: I don't like sciatic pain either........I'm going through a flare up right now......what a terrible thing to have to go through.
  • hockey247
    hockey247 Posts: 118 Member
    This is great-- count me in too!!

    Location: Florida
    I like: Hockey, carbs, reading, and beer
    I don't like: dieting and the way I look
    Current typical or usual exercise: Slim in 6 and the elliptical
    Current Starting Weight: 167
    Aim for next week: 164 and to have worked out 6 times
    Personal 14 week Goal: 28 lbs!
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
  • I would like to join! I just found this site today!

    Location: Florida
    I like: being in college!
    I don't like: stress and being unhappy
    Current typical or usual exercise: 30 min of cardio with some weights
    Current Starting Weight: 171
    Aim for next week:169
    Personal 14 week Goal: to lose 20 pounds!
  • im in all the way :))

    Location: USA :)
    I like: skateboarding
    I don't like: bugs x-P
    Current typical or usual exercise: skateboarding
    Current Starting Weight: 148lbs
    Aim for next week: 143lbs
    Personal 14 week Goal: 10lbs-15lbs
  • Sweetie_Pie92
    Sweetie_Pie92 Posts: 314 Member
    Location: Oregon, USA
    I like: Reading, swimming, spending time with my nephew
    I don't like: Exercise XP (working on it, lol)
    Current typical or usual exercise: Curves 3x a week
    Current Starting Weight: 218
    Aim for next week: 216
    Personal 14 week Goal: 200
  • louloubabydoll
    louloubabydoll Posts: 44 Member
    I logged my details yesterday, but i weighed myself this morning and i'm 157.5
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Okayy im starting the NO CHOCOLATE as of TODAY... i had a couple of kitkats last night... oops!!!!!!

    Need my pre holiday motivation back... HELP!!! :sad:

    There seems to have been a bit of confusion regarding what day we start/weigh so just want to clarify things a little. I started this thred yesterday to give people time to sign up but the official start day is today.

    Each challenge will run for 1 week from WEDNESDAY.

    Next weeks challenge will be posted next TUESDAY in time to begin on WEDNESDAY!

    We weigh in and post our results for each week on WEDNESDAYS!!

    I will gather all the results together every Thursday and post our progress and a leaderboard!

    Hope this clears up any queries but don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions!
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    Day 1, i'm so excitedd <3
    going out for lunch so will make sure i don't have desert otherwise i'll break the no chocolate on the first day,
    having a big chicken dinner today so i'm going to do some exercise to make up for it ;)

    good luck everyone ;D x
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