Hey guys ,, New here

Hi Everyone,, I'm a 19 years old Guy ,,
my height is : 5'3 ,, ( i know don't start xD )
my highest weight was 195 pounds ,, that was 1 year ago or something close . then i went to the gym and eating healthy for 7 months maybe
my lowest was 165 pounds .. that was 4 months ago . then my membership expired .. and i gained 15 pounds or so
and now I'm at 179-180 pounds O_o ,, i want to reach 133 pounds which is my ideal weight, because i cant be short and overweight right !
Today was my first day of T25 ,, so yeah i'll do that ,, so my question is can i reach 133 before summer or lets say in 3 months or so ?
i will eat healthy and do the T25 every day ..
so yea guys i want an honest opinion ..
and I'm loving this site =D
PS : sorry for my English