Should I see a Doctor?

Hey everyone...
I am on Week 2 of P90x and I completed the Plyometrics today. During the Jumps I was feeling a pulling pain on the right lower ab muscles. The only way to describe it is the excess fat is bouncing so much that it is causing strain on the tissues underneath.

I am trying my best to keep up with Tony but I know my limits and modify to stay safe.

I find when I push pressure against the area that hurts I can continue jumping so I was thinking Tension Bandage?

Is this normal?

Thanks a bunch


  • stutzmanmba
    stutzmanmba Posts: 9 Member
    I would throw on a workout belt just to keep everything in one place, meanwhile give it some time and see if it gets better. Can you do crunches without pain? Does it hurt if you do not move at all?
    Could it be a hernia? Do stretch marks appear at the site of pain?

    I guess if it isn't a hernia (not enough information to make a great guess), I do think it will probably get better w time.

    All that said, you probably should get a physical before beginning any exercise program especially if you are overweight. IF you get a physical and mention it while the doc is checking you out, your insurance may cover it as preventive services. I would not mention it when you make the appointment or they will make it s sick visit which means copays for you.

    Just my thoughts but I am no doctor
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    Go see a doctor. Better to be safe than sorry, right?
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    I have had good advice from physical therapists, but I also like the idea of a belt.
  • rachrach7595
    rachrach7595 Posts: 151 Member
    I would throw on a workout belt just to keep everything in one place, meanwhile give it some time and see if it gets better.

    I never knew these existed.
    Thank you for answering my question indirectly.
  • David_AUS
    David_AUS Posts: 298 Member
    It is likely that you have torn or strained a muscle. Hernia was something thing that sprang to my mind as well the exercise may not have directly caused it it may have just "exposed it". Did you treat with an ice pack and rest? Is it feeling any better the following day? If the pain gets worse or is heavily stabbing or there is unusual swelling, or sharp pain or "strange sounds" like "popping" then seek medical help. If you have any doubts or concerns see a doctor. Otherwise stick with the RICE recipe for "first aid" - Rest Ice Compression (the belts they suggest) and "elevation" in this case laying flat - listen to your body as it heals.
  • cmasonrock
    cmasonrock Posts: 50 Member
    This is great. Thanks everybody. I'm Canadian so doctor visits are free. (Yay me) I'm gonna see about a workout belt. I too didn't know these existed.

    It doesn't hurt unless I jump. Sitting standing coughing doesn't cause pain so it is definitely not a hernia. I was afraid of that myself when it started.