Motivation is Crashing Fast.... How to keep on?



  • trouble007
    trouble007 Posts: 18 Member
    Don't try to be too logistical/analytical in the beginning if it feels like too much too soon. Start with trying to lose a half pound a week and just add in more activity (I do a lot of caffeinated cleaning and I speed walk through the grocery store using ridiculously indirect routes for multi-tasking efforts). I find that when I start with smaller goals and I stop trying to log everything (I still don't log all my food on my cheat days...which are once a calendar week) it becomes easier to ease into more vigorous training, like running. I did it that way once when recovering from an injury and again when recovering from cancer. I found that when I became a nazi about logging every stinking calorie burned or consumed I became miserable, even though I was losing weight. As the Taoists say, moderation in everything. I also keep a pic of me when I was leaner around to remind me that I can be that girl again. :)
  • Jsphine
    Jsphine Posts: 96 Member
    Have you tried a daily limit of more calories to see if you still make progress towards your goals? I don't know your details (such as height, weight, activity, etc.), but it's very possible that you might. Give it a try. You'll likely find that not only will you still make progress, but also you'll have more energy, won't dwell on when you get to eat next, and are able to stick with it.

    Okay, I'll go up to 1400 calories and see if this works.
    ::fingers crossed::

    RobinvdM: you've lost 131 lbs? that's so admirable; i need to know how you stuck with the plan!
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    I recently switched from the MFP 1200 + workout eat back to TDEE instead.

    The other thing is that it takes a while to SEE a difference. Your body is holding on to the old you. It's like a bad break up. So don't drunk dial that fool!!

    Just know that you are making the habits now :)
  • callyart
    callyart Posts: 209
    If I was you, I would up my calories up a bit. I was doing 1200 but found my meals quite boring at that limit.

    Think about why you are doing your weight loss in the first place, surely that is reason enough to carry on?

    Time will pass regardless, so why give up?

    Good luck, I hope you find some motivation!
  • mshippiequeen
    mshippiequeen Posts: 46 Member
    A) Stop thinking of it as a diet.
    B) Just do it.

  • leaner426
    leaner426 Posts: 89 Member
    Don't think of it as dieting. It helps me to focus on eating healthier and trying to match the macros for things like fiber and sugar. That way you have successes every day. The weight loss is a side benefit. Focus on how much stronger you feel for the workouts, how your muscles are changing. Before you choose the extra pizza slice or big slab of cake think about how much you will need to work out or how many days of eating good it will take to undo it and ask if the temporary satisfaction is worth it. All of this helps me think of it as a long term lifestyle choice and education and not a short term, deprivation diet.
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    My friends on here pump me up and motivate me. I have the ones that are just very supportive and cheer me on. I also have the ones who send me PM's and tell me to just quit whining and get it done!!! Those are my favorite. My real life friends and family are supportive, but they dont constantly want to hear about my weight and "diet" issues. So I rely on my fit fam here to encourage, support and also not blow smoke up my butt when I am doing crappy and feeling sorry for myself. Its the boost I need to keep going!! Its a long journey for many of us, and for me the journey is the most important part !!! So get off your butt and get moving ;)
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    You're not always going to feel motivated. The key is to keep up the right habits no matter how you feel.
  • TAsunder
    TAsunder Posts: 423 Member
    When I'm struggling with the pressure of the weight loss routine, I let the calorie counting fall and just focus on exercise. When I don't exercise, my entire mental state and physical state suffer greatly. I am sluggish, moody, and don't feel like doing anything (including exercise). When I'm back in a good place again, I start counting again.

    I don't know that I'd recommend this approach, except to say that exercise is really important for motivation for me. If I don't exercise enough, I never want to exercise and I start eating more too.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    A) Stop thinking of it as a diet.
    B) Just do it.


  • loubidy
    loubidy Posts: 440 Member
    Just keep going. The longer you go the easier it gets. I'm now on day 38 and 6.5lbs down but I couldn't imagine stopping now. Logging everything has become a part of my life, I don't remember what it feels like not to have a burn feeling in my muscles.

    A day at a time.
  • Jsphine
    Jsphine Posts: 96 Member
    So since my last post here, I have been keeping daily calories at 1300, and it has helped me get through a rather stressful week.on the other hand, my progress slowed. lt feels like trying to stand on a balance beam...
  • Of_Monsters_and_Meat
    Of_Monsters_and_Meat Posts: 1,022 Member
    here watch this.

    I'm sorry I didn't catch your excuse? Now get back in the game.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Only two weeks ago, I was all ready to take on the weight loss challenge for the last time. I have been doing great with the diet, made appearances at the gym, and even lost about 5 pounds. All going in the right direction. But I'm now feeling 'bored' of counting calories and constantly thinking about dieting. Any tips on how to stay focused and keep the energy up?

    I'm really bored with showering, putting on makeup, making my meals, vacuuming, cleaning the gunk out of my dog's eyes, getting gas in the car, balancing my checkbook, and taking the trash to to curb. I have been logging for 610 days. Just like those other things, I just do it. Takes 5 minutes a day or less. I can keep going and have energy because I don't deprive myself of delicious food. I also have energy because I'm at my goal weight and fitter than I've been in at least 15 years.

    Just do it.
  • Jsphine
    Jsphine Posts: 96 Member
    Hey, guys,
    Just wanted to give you a quick update.
    As per your advice, I kept on logging calories (been logging for more than 35 days straight!), increased calorie allowance to 1300, even went to the gym every work day in the last two weeks, and so far have lost 10 lbs. over the past 5 weeks. I think this is all on you guys for helping me get through the very first critical moment of weakness. Thanks a bunch! I also have been reading many threads from people in all stages of weight-loss journey covering all sorts of topics (successes, struggles, tips on everything), and I now have some idea on what to expect in the weeks to come. I love this place.
    Thought I would let you know. After all, you were the 'welcoming committee' for me.
    (Really want to *high five* all of you.)