Advice on workouts:)

Ok, so I'm getting kinda frustrated with my lifting, and I want to do it a bit differently. The problem is that the "best" times for me to go to the gym are Tues/Thurs mornings, but my friend wants to work out with me Tues/Thurs in the afternoons. Is it too crazy to do both workouts the same days, then take it easier M/W/F? It would make more sense to do the pm workouts M/W, but my friend has to coach then. Here's what I'm considering:
Mon am: yoga, aerobics, or pilates, Mon pm: run or run/walk intervals
Tues am: lifting, Tues pm: circuit training with my friend
Wed would mirror Mon and Thurs would mirror Tues
I could also take of an afternoon on Mon or Wed, if needed.
Fri am could be any exercise dvd at home.
Sat is usually a rest day and Sun I do another dvd or go for a run.
I want to change my lifting to slightly lighter weights and more reps, maybe 8-10 or pyramid (instead of 5-4-3-2-1rep max)
I haven't really gained weight (maybe 2 lbs), my bench is stalled. Squats and deadlift have gone up a little, but I'm afraid any heavier on dead lift will hurt my back. My husband says I'm getting too muscle-y and not enough body fat. I know this sounds crazy, because most people cannot gain muscle without fat, but he says I just look more muscular and ripped, never fatter or softer, and he doesn't really like that look. I've lost all the fat on my face and chest, and its just not super attractive. I feel like my face wrinkles a lot more and I just look older. I really wanted to grow my butt, fill it out a little. Its deflated from the weight loss. Advice?


  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
  • BeCali
    BeCali Posts: 69 Member
    Wish i could help, but I am still in the situation where I want to loose more bodyfat. I think it is slowly coming down.

    You do seem to work out a lot. Maybe twice on monday and wednesday is excessive. I don't think it matters to work out both morning and evening in one day. Although your afternoon workout may not be as effective. On Mondays I do a strength training at lunchtime and then climb in the evenings. My climbing does suffer a bit depending on what I have eaten or what muscles I worked out at lunchtime.

    I know you tried adding more food and that did not really help right?

    Good luck figuring it out. Hopefully someone has something else to add.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Thank you. Yes, I do eat a lot. I'm not logging right now because it made me a bit ocd. HB is almost at the point of cutting me off mfp, lol. I really enjoy working out. 2x/day is normal for me, I just don't want to overdo it with the weights.

    If we keep the circuits mainly body weight/hand weights and cardio, should it be ok after am weight lifting?

    For example, yesterday was am lifting:
    powerlifting: deadlift, bench, 3x5 pull-ups, 3x10 good mornings, lunges, and calf raises
    pm circuit:
    3 sets of: 3 min run, 25 push-ups with exercise ball, 5 pistol squats each leg
    3 min cool-down walk
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    You could set up Tuesday and Thursday as splits.
    If your circuit with your friend involves upper body, do lower in the morning, and vice versa.
    I assume your circuit is high rep/low weight.
  • AusEliza
    AusEliza Posts: 60 Member
    Yes definitely have to agree with splits. It is the most effective way to manage your time and gives your body teh rest it needs.
  • eliqball
    eliqball Posts: 7 Member
    Not much to add with regards to workout days, there's not much else to add

    My only comment would be that all the cardiovasular work and cercuit training that you're doing isn't really going to help much if you don't want your body fat too low. What's more, your suggestion of going up to around the 8 rep range isn't going to help if you already feel you look too muscular.

    If you want to make strength gains you're going to want to go right down to low rep ranges. Even though you said you do 5/4/3/ etc. perhaps try 5x5, 5-3-1, 4 sets of 3... there are a lot of programs designed for strength gains. But to keep working out but cancel the muscle gains you'll want to focus on strength gains or endurance gains. So either >5 reps or >15 reps in my opinion.

    Also, if you want to continue to do all the aerobics and cardio stuff then the only way to stop yourself losing body fat is simply to increase your calorie intake. You need to eat at least if not a little more than your TDEE to prevent yourself losing too much body fat.

    Hope this helps, sorry if i've misunderstood anything. Exercise-wise, you're on the right track though. Deadlifts and Squats are the way forward
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    What are your goals? Are you trying to gain weight, maintain, or lose weight? Are you just trying to get stronger?

    If you're just trying to get stronger and/or build muscle I've had more luck when I simply focus on weight training and rest and cut out most of the cardio. You're never going to see huge gains in strength if you keep doing all of that other stuff, your body needs to rest.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Ok, so some great advice and input here. Thanks! I guess I don't have really definite goals, I just enjoy working out, being fit and strong. I would like to increase strength a bit, size in my butt, and have good endurance. Is it possible to have all 3? I guess I will have to eat at maintenance or slightly above. I am using my dial scale and how my clothes fit to monitor weight/size. If I fall to 110 or below, I have to cut cardio or eat an extra pbj. If I go above 115 or clothes are tight, I just add a little cardio and cut one of my snacks. I don't want to gain too much because I just bought a lot of clothes and would like to wear them out, rather than out grow them. Basically, working out is my hobby, I do it for fun. Its one of the only things I enjoy for myself. I have this idea that it would be really cool to bench press my own weight. That's why I'm mad at my bench press right now, lol. I also think its cool to do 100 push-ups a day and would love to be able to do 10 pull-ups in a row (I can do 7). If I can do that, and still run 5-6 miles in under an hour, and have a nice butt, that would be great!!!
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I've decided to try slightly lower weights with higher reps tomorrow, then circuit with my friend after work. How's this look:
    squat 105 x 8, 115 x 6, 125 x 4, 115 x 5, 105 x 5 (1 rep max is ~140)
    bench 55 x 8, 65 x 6, 75 x 4, 65 x 5, 55x 5 (1 rep max is ~105 barely)
    deadlift 115 x 8, 125 x 6, 135 x 4, 125 x 5, 115 x 5 (1 rep max ~ 155)
    Circuit training will be cardio, glutes, triceps