motivational group for those in Recovery from ED

My name is Jamaica...and I am in recovery from several different types of eating disorders...inducing anorexia and binge eating. I am wanting to start a group for those of us that are in recovery and just want to be healthy. It took me a long time to want to be just healthy...plain and simple. Before I desired to be skinny...model like...chasing after that dreaded thigh gap on my medium/muscular framed body. Since I started having kids about 5 years whole life changed. All I want is to be healthy for them. To be a good role model. I am more comfortable in my skin now....after having three kids....than I was at my most "healthy" time of life before kids....that I am now realizing wasn't so healthy. Right now I am doing a mix of Focus T25 and P90X along with drinking Shakeology daily, and I am already feeling amazing results. I think the best way to motivate yourself is to keep accountability with a friend...or many friends. So, I wanted to create this group for just that. I am not sure what to name the group but I would gladly take any suggestions. God Bless.....Jamaica