Early morning workout - eat before/after - both?

I am just getting back to an exercise routine and switching from evening workouts to early morning workouts. I've been having a breakfast shake of Almond milk, Power Greens, Fruit before I leave the house. I go right to work from the club and I am hungry when I get there.

What are your favorite at your desk foods?


  • alathIN
    alathIN Posts: 142 Member
    My favorite at-desk food would have to be a pumpkin pie and a pecan pie. But I'm not eating like that now ;-)

    For me the best food to have at work for a mid-morning refuel is a grapefruit. I don't actually even like grapefruits; can barely stand to eat them. But it does kill off the hunger pangs quite effectively and I don't go off to lunch feeling half-starved (and thus more inclined to overeat at lunch).

    Also, you do not have much long-lasting energy in your breakfast - that is mostly "quick fuel." Try something with some protein or healthy fats in it.
  • xscat
    xscat Posts: 80 Member
    By no means is this scientific or optimal.... But here's what I do:

    I eat about 100~150kcal worth of food before my morning run. Usually a slice of bread, a homemade cookie, a homemade brownie, some crackers, etc. (Not ALL of them at the same time of course.......) In the morning I am always very, very hungry. So I go with carbs.

    After my workout I shower, get ready and head to work, and eat my breakfast at work while doing my emails; usually oatmeal with almond/soy/skim milk+an egg (if I'm really hungry).

    The only couple of times I attempted to work out on an empty stomach I got very bad dizziness. My blood pressure dropped down to 85/55-ish and I felt out of breath the entire day. So I've learnt my lesson and I always eat before I do anything :)
  • ladyoftheword
    ladyoftheword Posts: 2 Member
    Nuts, fresh fruit, or anything with a high protein content (like peanut butter on crackers.)
    Personally, having something high protein works for keeping me feeling full.
  • SugarLou57
    SugarLou57 Posts: 84 Member
  • momxs2
    momxs2 Posts: 173 Member
    I have a banana before my early morning workout and right afterwards or at my desk I have a bowl of oatmeal with dash of cinnamon, walnuts, chia seeds and raisins. It's very filling! Then about 10-10:30 I have a Fage 0% Greek yogurt. Then I'm good until lunch!