more fiber please

J5414 Posts: 24 Member
I have learned with this program that my diet is very much lacking fiber. Any tips on how to add fiber to my daily meals?


  • All high fiber foods in this list.

    Personally I drink 2 health shakes a day, which the ones I drink have about 6 grams per shake, then I add 10 grams of fiber per shake, for a total of 32 grams putting me 3 grams short of the daily recommended intake for men which is easily consumed in foods.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,080 Member
    Plant foods: veggies, fruits, grains, legumes (beans, lentils, peanuts), tree nuts.

    So far today I've had 3 g fiber from less than 2 oz of avocado, 4 g from a pack of Quaker's Warm & Crunch granola, 5 g from a 10 oz serving of chili, 3 g from a piece of multigrain flatbread, 4 g from a banana, 2 g from a kiwi fruit, 1 g from a little more than 2 cups of salad greens, 1 g from about 3 1/2 oz of fresh tomato, 3 g from a Mound's (coconut & dark chocolate) bar. I've still got a little over 100 calories left, and I may stir some raw multigrain cereal (mixture of oats, triticale, rye, and something else I forget right now) with a little plain 2% greek yogurt for a tasty snack (well, it's tasty to me; I know not everybody would think so) to get a few last grams of fiber and protein to hit those macros.
  • jayjay12345654321
    jayjay12345654321 Posts: 653 Member
    My highest fiber food is chia seeds. The carbs are 100% fiber, plus it has a little protein bonus in it. I like to add 2 tablespoons in my juice drinks and protein shakes to drink while they're still crunchy. I also like to sprinkle another tablespoon on my vegan proteins as a coating to give them crunch while eating.

    Fiber intake should be approximately 14 grams per 1000 calories. Take your daily calorie goal and multiply it by 0.014 and you'll know how much roughage you should be getting daily based on what you're consuming.
  • Bluizflame
    Bluizflame Posts: 151 Member
    Quest Nutrition Bars have around 17g of Fiber, and they're REALLY good!
  • Pintado
    Pintado Posts: 33 Member
    +1 for chia seeds! I mix them into my porridge every morning for a fibre boost, or sometimes into soup if the fibre/protein content is low. They don't taste like anything and swell up a little in liquid.

    Eat a couple of pieces of fruit a day for more fibre, and a big helping of vegies at two meals at least. Sometimes I also have raw cut-up vegies with dip for an afternoon snack – either hummus (more fibre + protein) or cottage cheese. I like red capsicum, green beans and carrots, and it's easy to organise the night before.
  • It's not as good as getting it from food, but the Rite Aid near where I live sells fruit-flavored fiber gummies called FiberWell that you can take as a soluble fiber supplement. They are actually delish, and have only ~10-15 calories each. Start slow with them, though; they can give your guts a bit of a swift kick if you eat too many at once!