Tired of being overweight...looking for motivation

Hi Everyone! I'm new to this but I am determine to lose the weight. I'm tired of being told that I need to lose the weight....well it's now affecting my health and I determine to live a long life especially for my kids. Looking for motivators...I currently stay in Hiram, GA. My short term goal is to lose 15 pounds within 30 days. My girls has challenge me...the one that can lose the most weight the others will have to buy the winner a new outfit. Now, this might sound silly but it will also help them...help me get a new outfit from my girls. By the way, they don't have a job (cute) they are still in school. Sounds like fun but I'm serious...I currently weight 216 pounds and I am only 5'4...go figure!

So if you live in my area or just feel like encouraging me through this site please feel free do so. I hope I can be a help or inspiration to you as well.



  • Mommy2bug2
    Mommy2bug2 Posts: 36 Member

    You can do it. We al can. Just remember it didn't come on fast, and goes away slower. BUT, it does as long as you keep on it. I have lost 124 pounds in 5 years. Have 50 more to go. I'd love to keep in touch, as I too am new. Denise
  • SweetZeta03
    SweetZeta03 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! Denise....

    Thank you for the encouragement! And thanks for the friend request. Looking forward to speaking with you.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Good luck !
  • Mommy2bug2
    Mommy2bug2 Posts: 36 Member
    Me too. I have done my weight loss thru weight watchers for two years, but mainly on my own. So all new to this site. But so far I really look forward to logging on every evening. Guess that's a good one :)
  • redfootinfotech
    redfootinfotech Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Elise,
    I am in Georgia as well and trying to lose weight. Maybe we can encourage each other. It's not been easy to stay true to my diet with this snow storm, but I am still managing to stay within my goals.

    A little about me: I am a computer programmer and work full time. I have 4 kids ages 14,12,11, and 2. So finding time to workout and foods that we all can eat has been a challenge for me. But I'm determined to lose the weight. I was 268 a couple of weeks ago and have lost 8 lbs so far.

    Hope we can encourage each other through this process.

  • tropicaltiger
    Hi Elise-I lost almost 90 pounds 5 years ago through weight watchers-managed to keep it OFF and now I use MFP--yes maybe I put 10 pounds back on- But mfp I am taking more off-I been but with mfp-took it off-I workout a lot-eat healthy-I am am still on a weight lose journey-I never call this a diet only a journey-please feel free to add me- I am on here daily-and together we can do this positive healthy journey
  • dmgelinas
    dmgelinas Posts: 36 Member
    You can do it! I sent you a friend request, feel free to add me anyone!
  • SlopesK
    Just for encouragement, and pass it on, Good luck! I am just starting too, well sorta..ok, it's a re-re-re-restarting, but you can't give up, and something just feels right about doing this.

    So BEST WISHES AND FIND GREAT FRIENDS HERE! (I'd like to be your friend if that's ok with you!) Find some good techniques, tricks and motivation, and meet those goals!
  • haybay127
    haybay127 Posts: 9 Member
    same here tired of being overweight, tired of losing and gaining it all back, tired of the docs telling me to lose weight. I am ready for the change the new me. we can do this!!!!! :)
  • SweetZeta03
    SweetZeta03 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Julie,

    Let's do it! I have been sick all week so I can't get to the gym plus this storm ain't helping. Let's continue to encourage each other and get it done. Stay in touch
  • SweetZeta03
    SweetZeta03 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    hey good luck to you all..
    feel free to add ill be happy to encourage!!
  • wanzik
    wanzik Posts: 326 Member
    I'm in the same boat. My weight has yo-yo'd for years. When i get heavier my number go all out of whack. As of about a month ago my cholesterol is 294, Triglycerides 335, LDL 199, HDL 28, A1C 8.5. Terrible numbers. I'm 6'2" and was about 275 with those numbers. I got until mid-March before I get my blood work done again. I'm working hard on diet and working out to get it all under control again. You'd think avoiding a stroke and dialysis would be enough encouragement and motivation. Funny how in the here and now the cake, fast food and other "goodies" can override all concerns. I'll be 48 in a few months and it's past time to take it seriously.

    So, just remember you're not alone and that we are all fighting the battle together! Keep it up!
  • kaylachristine1016
    I don't know if this will help you, but i added @fit on instagram. they basically post pics of really fit girls. so when i need motivation, i go through it, feel depressed about my body and then voila, i'm motivated again. haha
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    hey you can do this. Having goals are what keeps me motivated and driven. I started in August 13th of last year and was 234 at 5'5". I have lost as of today 54lbs. It pretty much came off 2lbs or so a week. Take it as a one day and one week at a time thing. If you want, you can check out my photos on my profile. I feel so much better physically and emotionally now than I did the day I started, believe me.
  • dbb12
    dbb12 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey Elise! You are so not alone. Be patient with yourself and you'll get there. Can't wait to see your journey.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Just curious...

    How do you intend to lose 1/2lb a day for the next 30 days? what is your plan of action?
  • mz_tashae_007
    mz_tashae_007 Posts: 61 Member
    Hey SweetZeta03 were the same height and about the same weight.
  • SweetZeta03
    SweetZeta03 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks dbb12.... Look forward to supporting each other.
  • SweetZeta03
    SweetZeta03 Posts: 6 Member
    Not sure yet but I'm determine to do it....but if you have a plan please share...I got sick this week so I'm already a week behind but if I get close I'm happy!