Getting Heathy Alaska!!!!

I just started so I not sure what to say. I am 40 years old and need to loose about 100 pounds. We live in North Pole Alaska on a small farm. My husband and I have started going to the gym and have been working our way up to longer and longer times there. We raise meat, milk and fiber goats, chickens and this summer I am planting my own garden. We like eating more natural foods when we can get them but that is hard living in the middle of no where, the fresh fruit and vegs mid winter are questionable, either a day away from rotting on not even close to ripe. BUT we manage. I have psoriatic arthritis and have had that since I was 15 but it is only the last 4 years it has become a huge issue, but with weight loss that should get much better, that and the new meds we are trying.

I cook, I cook, I cook...... I love to cook and that has been the downfall for me and my husband. I am currently learning how to cook differently and better and could use friends that not only want to loose some weight but would like to trade ideas and encourage better eating habits!!! So please add me if you are looking for the same!!!

Thank you for taking the time to read this!!!
orange_ flowergirl