Can a treadmill and healhty eating get you in shape?



  • icemike
    icemike Posts: 1 Member
    I think that should work for you just as well if not better than a gym. You could add some free weights if you feel like increasing the workout. The biggest benefit to going to a gym is that when you are there you can just focus on your workout and not procrastinate or skip it altogether.

    With 3 kids I would suspect the bigger weight loss challenge would be with your diet. In general, kids keep you active but they eat horrible food and make it hard for their parents to eat right.
  • walterm852
    walterm852 Posts: 409 Member
    I don't have much weight to loose, actually I'd be fine to stay at where I am now 122lbs if I didn't have the extra belly and thigh fat from having babies. so basically i just want it gone. Is it possible to get rid of doing a treadmill and say possibly the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred dvd?

    I'm a mom of 3. To get rid of the belly and thigh fat you need to increase your lean muscle mass and lower your BF%. Otherwise you can get rail thin and still have the dreaded mommy muffin top. If money is tight I would keep the bike and skip the treadmill in favor of some dumbells.

    what exactly would I need to do at home to achieve this?

    -Hand-held weights, starting at whatever you feel comfortable doing. (3 lbs, 5 lbs, 10 lbs) You can always buy heavier ones as you get more comfortable and especially once doing 3 sets of 8-12 reps is way too easy.
    -Perhaps a kettle ball - also come in different sizes/weights
    -Resistance bands
    -Jump rope?
    -Work-out DVDs - get a few different ones so you can switch up
    -and YOU - you need no equipment to do crunches, lunges, squats (although it can help add more resistance), planks, tricep dips (I use our ottoman for those), push ups (which you can also do off an ottoman or a wall until you build up more strength)

    And stop second guessing yourself! You CAN do this!

    Great list, I might add a timer. Your smartphone or a $20 gymboss where you can set the time of the exercise and the rest. I set up 1 min stations with 10 sec breaks between sets.

    Check out the site, do a little research on different methods.
    Weightlifting - lots of info here
    Hiit - or you tube zuzanna for great HIIT workouts that can burn cals and build strength in small amounts of time

    Good luck
  • alienrite
    alienrite Posts: 314 Member
    I used cardio to support my weight loss. While I shrank towards a good size, it was lifting weights that really started defining a good shape. It's a common thing for men and women. Weight lifting is physique changing
  • jigsawxyouth
    jigsawxyouth Posts: 308 Member
    I recommend looking into PopSugar's workout plans for the treadmill! They're free and very easy to follow. If you're on Pinterest, their account posts the workouts on there, too.
  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    I'd say since you are at around your ideal weight you would be wasting energy on a treadmill.

    Get into a good kettle bell routine and bodyweight workouts (someone already mentioned also Fitnessblender on youtube has some).

    If you just do the treadmill and eat better you might see more weightloss but you will still be "soft" and it won't give you the results you want.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    If I purchased a treadmill, I already have a stationary bike. If i do those two things along with squats/lunges and maybe a fitness dvd is it possible to get in shape on my own?

    Yep. You don't even need that much stuff.

    Diet is key, though!
  • It sounds like you are fine-tuning and planning on upkeep.

    From what you've said your goals are I would suggest looking into bodyweight training. "You Are Your Own Gym", as someone else suggested, is a good place to start. No special equipment needed and if you are confused on exercises, or how to string them together into a workout, there's tons of info online and videos on Youtube.

    Once you build up more muscles they will help burn calories and fat and, at your weight, you'll likely just need to do some maintenance (which could be treadmill).

    That said, if you are really sold on treadmill, you might consider choosing increased incline over speed after warming up. I did that about 12 years ago when I was in super fitness mode and my butt and thighs looked great, if I do say so myself. ;D
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Purchased a Sole Treadmill use it 6 days week + do JM Dvd 5x weekly.
  • I use an elliptical, started with 20 minutes at lowest weight loss setting. Burned 200 calories my first time 3 months ago. Fitness pal and the elliptical have helped me lose 56 plus pounds. I now burn unto 1200 calories in 50 minutes of the elliptical and feel great. Weight will go up and down, stay true to your course and do not let the scale be the one to make you quit.
  • nkeklund
    nkeklund Posts: 35 Member
    When you say "get in shape" are you saying "lose weight" or "tone"?

    You can definitely lose weight doing all that. In fact all you really need is a treadmill OR a bike, plus healthy eating. (some might argue you don't even need the exercise equipment; but exercise makes the process SO much easier)

    If you're looking to just add definition, it's be far easier for you if you had resistance in the form of weights.

    Well said. Exercising speeds the weight loss process up at least in my exp.
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    I have done nothing in the past but walk and it has always worked. I am trying to get started again!

    That being said: I would love to do a walking thread as accountability if anyone is interested. It just really helps me to be accountable, otherwise I have a tendency to put it off, and put it off, and put it off - well you get the picture.

    I am thinking each person report as they want to: steps, time, distance etc. Whatever works - walking outside, walking inside w/ equipment, walking to a DVD - seriously whatever works for the individual! Just set goals and follow through. I would love to have MFP walking buddies.

    Would any of you be interested? Please message me if you are!!