Best home digital scale?

I was weighing myself on a scale that basically seemed to tell me something reasonable. It is a Taylor digital scale that I bought at Target. It doesn't have a bad/low battery.

Last week, I had to go to a doctor's office. This particular type of doctor would have reason to have a very accurate scale, because weight changes are a major symptom to what this doctor treats. According to this doctor's scale, halfway through the day, in street clothes, I weighed 5!!! pounds less than I did with the Target scale that morning in my light weight jammies. The street clothes alone should have made the number 1-2 pounds higher, and the fact that it was midway through the day should also have made it a little higher. The doctor's scale was also one of those very big ones that can weigh heavier people. Even though I'm well within the range for the scale I got at Target, I do wonder if it's actually accurate for all weights. My two year old continues to weigh 26.6 pounds every morning (I don't weigh her! She sees mommy stepping on the scale and imitates it, and I look at the reading.). My husband said he thought his number was a little high.

This morning, my Target scale gave me seven different readings ranging over a two pound range. I think it's time to give up on the Target scale.

So, can anyone recommend a good digital scale for home use that can withstand joyful leaping from a two year old? (She loves to run up and jump two feet on the scale.) Thanks in advance. :-)