Jillian Michaels DVD

Does anyone do the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred or Target Zones DVD … trying one or both tonight!! If anyone wants an online workout buddy :)


  • rk_19
    rk_19 Posts: 92
    I was looking into it, it seems good! I wanna try it
  • chickenpie
    chickenpie Posts: 64 Member
    Am on day 4 of level 3... have loved it.. really chuffed am nearing the end. have found myself addicted actually getting annoyed if any reason i can't do it that day

    For me it's brilliant i can fit it into my busy day whenever it suits without leaving the house etc... usually done when kids in bed.

    It IS tough at the start though, on the 3rd day i had jelly legs big time.. but if you work through it, it soon passes & you begin to feel strong. If you read the millions of posts on 30ds you'll see lots of folk say that they don't lose so much weight but do lose inches, and i agree with this. I feel much more confident, my clothes fit so much better and i feel energised so i'm not overly concerned about the scales.

    It was just what i needed.... am looking at Ripped in 30 next or one of her other routines...

  • meggo
    meggo Posts: 8 Member
    I just did 1 week of Shred and started using her 'Shred with Weights' to change things up a bit. Loving it so far! Let us know how you like the other videos. Has anyone done her yoga video? I'm using Amazon Prime videos so it's nice to have a variety. I get bored quickly.
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I just gave 30DS to my daughter, but liked it a lot. I use "No More Trouble Zones" for weight/strength and I still like "Burn Fat Boost Metabolism" for a 40 min cardio routine and Last Chance workout but cardio/weights.

    I'm doing a different program now, but any of her DVD's will give you a good workout. Good Luck!
  • elghee123
    elghee123 Posts: 489 Member
    I am currently doing the 30 Day Shred as it suits my liking and the schedule. I am sticking to this one until I get better and can do harder.
  • Resolve2B
    Resolve2B Posts: 86 Member
    Does anyone do the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred or Target Zones DVD … trying one or both tonight!! If anyone wants an online workout buddy :)

    Did you mean "No More Trouble Zones" (re: Target Zones). If so, sure, I'll be a workout buddy!

    I just got the NMTZ DVD and am anxious to try it. I started her Ripped in 30 but was not liking all the cardio minutes. I do like her strength/toning moves though so figured I'd give NMTZ a try. I previewed the DVD and it's a mix of the newer "compound moves" (a number of which I recognized from her Ripped in 30 DVD) with some "old school" exercises (she admits it's old school but said she included them because they are effective). It's primarily focused on toning but because it's "circuit", it also has cardio benefit.

    New friends are always welcome so feel free to send me a "friend request" if you'd like! :smile: I'm planning to start the workout next week.