Still not losing weight

I posted this 2 days ago with little responses.
I started working out 3 weeks ago. I go to the gym 3 days a week. I do 30 minutes cardio and 30 minutes strength training.
I weighed myself today and im up 3 pounds.
Yes i weigh my food, watch my sodium intake,calculated my bmi, i eat 1500 calories and i eat back half or a little more.
I heard it wasnt possible to gain muscle weight this quick.
What am i doing wrong?


  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Your diary isn't open.
  • fittoday14
    Do you have an HRM? If not, get one so you can track the actual calories burned from exercising. Also, What are your stats? You may be over-eating or under-eating.
  • ThatSoundsHard
    ThatSoundsHard Posts: 475 Member
    If your body's not used to working out there is a good chance that you're retaining water.
    When I started working out and eating less/better I didn't lose any weight for almost two months.

    Be patient, log consistently,measure and weight everything you eat and the weight will start coming off. It just rarely happens as fast as you want it to.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Your diary isn't open.


    And yes, you didn't gain muscle weight. Gaining muscle weight is EXTREMELY hard and require more lifting.

    Without being able to look at your diet, I'll take a guess that there is probably some water weight gain. When a person starts a new workout regimin or increase intensity the person can/will retain water for muscle repair until the body adjusts.

    Are you eating exercise calories back, if so, how many? How do you calculate it.
  • JuliRamone
    JuliRamone Posts: 365 Member
    It's probably not muscle, but water.
    I started weight training again this year and I only lost 1 pound so far, but inches.
    Do you take measurements?
  • LizL217
    LizL217 Posts: 217 Member
    9 times out of 10, the answer is that either you need to be more patient and give it time, or you're eating more than you think you are. See this forum topic:
  • MyiahRose
    MyiahRose Posts: 183 Member
    Do you have an HRM? If not, get one so you can track the actual calories burned from exercising. Also, What are your stats? You may be over-eating or under-eating.

    I eat back only half of my exercise calories.
    i eat around 1400-1500 a day
    im 5'9 22 years old.
  • MyiahRose
    MyiahRose Posts: 183 Member
    9 times out of 10, the answer is that either you need to be more patient and give it time, or you're eating more than you think you are. See this forum topic:

    Even if i was i still would be at a deficit.
  • MyiahRose
    MyiahRose Posts: 183 Member
    It's probably not muscle, but water.
    I started weight training again this year and I only lost 1 pound so far, but inches.
    Do you take measurements?

    No but i plan on doing so soon.
  • bradXdale
    Open up your diary.

    Have you taken before & after photos?

    Have you taken measurements?

    Do you weight & track 99.9% of everything that you eat?

    I know it can seem militant to some but when you really want to burn stubborn *kitten* fat off your body you have to do things like this. I have been doing this & toying with my calories to see what will work and believe I have found my correct numbers. It's a waiting game too. You can't expect to lose 2 to 3 pounds each week. If you only lose .5 a pound be proud of that .5 pound and keep on trucking. Some weeks are better than others. It's a life long journey, not a 30-day quick fix makeover.
  • fittoday14
    Do you have an HRM? If not, get one so you can track the actual calories burned from exercising. Also, What are your stats? You may be over-eating or under-eating.

    I eat back only half of my exercise calories.
    i eat around 1400-1500 a day
    im 5'9 22 years old.

    I really don't think you're eating enough (not including exercise). Be aware of what foods you're eating as well. I ate so much soy sauce the other day that it gave me a 1 pound gain in one day!
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Betting it's water weight. I would wait it out for another couple weeks and reevaluate then.

    An HRM won't help with your 30 minute strength sessions, but will help you be more accurate with the cardio you are doing.
  • fittoday14
    Also, I had a personal trainer a few years back who told me it's best to do cardio and strength training on different days. Why not switch up your routine and see what happens?
  • tracydr
    tracydr Posts: 528 Member
    Do cardio daily or at least 6 days a week. At least go for a thirty minute walk once,maybe twice a day. Weigh/measure and record as you eat, not later, when you might forget. Are you measuring fruits and veggies? How about enough sleep and water?
    If this all fails, you may need to cut your calories a little more.
  • cidalia1973
    cidalia1973 Posts: 51 Member
    Be patient. Assuming you're at the correct level for calories and are not overly loading up on carbs (we need some carbs, but too many carbs, even within a calorie budget make it harder to lose weight), it will come off. I don't believe a calorie is a calorie, especially when trying to lose weight unless you were seriously restricting calories (which is bad).

    Give it time. The last time I did this, I was so frustrated. Didn't see a change for 6 weeks and then suddenly, day by day the weight was coming off until I had "caught up" to a 1 pound per week weight loss for the previous weeks in a couple of weeks.
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    Do cardio daily or at least 6 days a week. At least go for a thirty minute walk once,maybe twice a day.

    Please ignore this. There is zero reason to kill yourself with cardio and overdoing it can lead to more muscle loss than fat loss and the dreaded "skinny fat" look.

    I'm also going to say be patient. When i first started I didn't see any changes for almost 6 weeks. Even now, it's spurts and stops of weight loss, but I'm seeing visible results more steadily. Definitely measure and take pics, and give it some more time. Don't Give Up!
  • sck2008
    Maybe eating back your calories is the issue?? You may be eating too many calories and not burning enough when you work out
  • jamesalytle
    jamesalytle Posts: 112 Member
    I just went for 1 month straight without losing a pound. I'm a big guy and I dropped 40 pounds my first months so I was really disappointed when I stalled. That said, I switched to using a measuring tape which tells the true story. That and all the shrink marks on my stomach lol. Stay strong, you can do it!
  • weber22c
    Even if i was i still would be at a deficit.

    Exercise machines (and MFP) often vastly over-estimate the calories you're burning. If you're really only burning 200 kcal but eating 300+ because the machine says you burned 600-700 kcal, that could certainly be a contributing factor and often is for people who are just getting into exercise.
  • Maddalen101
    Maddalen101 Posts: 307 Member
    Believe it or not, you might not be eating enough. When I plugged in my numbers on MFP, I was astounded at how high the number of calories was for me to lose. However, it does work. when I tried to eat 1500, I kept sneaking up to 1700, and didn't lose a pound. At 1800? Voila! Weight loss. I know, it seems weird. Try it.
    Also, keep an eye on your hydration and fat intake. Exercising a lot will deplete your cells of water - drink! And yes, watch those fat grams. Even if your calories are tracking correctly, too many fat grams will mean no weight loss.