Are fitness wristbands worth it? Do you use one?

So the buzz seems to be using a fitness wristband to keep you motivated, track workouts, etc.

My first question - are they worth dropping $100 on?

Secondly - which is the best? What do you use? Why does it help you?

Reviewers seem to think the Fitbit Force but there are a lot of options and some even do heart rate too. I have been noticing LifeTracker, Polar Loop, Fitbit Flex, Nike Fuelband, JawboneUP, etc


  • TAsunder
    TAsunder Posts: 423 Member
    I have a fitbit one, which is more of a pocket/clip-on device. I think it helps. Especially if you get some friends on it and have a friendly competition for steps.

    Of the ones out there, I guess FitBit is the one I'd buy again right now. The app and website are outstanding. However, I am very very interested in the Razer Nabu and somewhat interested in the Lumo Lift -- though I don't think the Lumo app is anywhere near as good as FitBit.
  • princessnuriko
    princessnuriko Posts: 50 Member
    YES! I have the basic Polar FT4. I got it off Amazon around Christmas. It was about 42 bucks. They are about 70 bucks now. The basic keeps track of HRM and calories burned. It's great because MFP really overestimate calories burned for the exercises I do. Since I got, I can't wait to exercise so I can see how well I'm doing and to see how much more I have to burn to get to my goal for the day. Polar has other models, but I find that the FT4 is good enough for me. I workout at home with my DVDs and I had no idea that you can actually burn a lot of calories as you do working out to Turbo Fire.
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    I love my Fitbit Force. If you like gadgets and like social media, you can't go wrong. Go to the Fitbit website to compare the different types and price points. I does make me more aware of my activity and keeps me trying to improve. Once I started getting friends on Fitbit (similiar to MFP), you can get competitive, challenge and encourage each other to take more steps. You'll find yourself looking for excuses to walk or run more, like taking stairs insead of escalators and elevators, parking farther away from your destination, walking your dog farther, asking random people if you can walk their dog . . .just kidding on that last one, but my point is that it is a fun motivator.
  • JONZ64
    JONZ64 Posts: 1,280 Member
  • StephTink76
    StephTink76 Posts: 334 Member

    Interested too!

    May invest in one around June.
  • theguy12
    theguy12 Posts: 156
    But does POLAR automatically update My Fitness Pal?
  • aesquivel47
    aesquivel47 Posts: 37 Member
    i got my wife a JawboneUP 24 because at the time I bought it, I believe it synched best with her MFP smartphone app. She seems happy with it.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I am on my 3rd fitbit style(in 2 years) and love my Force the best.

    I feel that the fitbit is an investment into myself.

    It helps me see how much I am or am not moving. I also compete with my husband so it is also fun.

    It is not a waste of money if you can afford it.
  • valerie521
    valerie521 Posts: 140 Member
    I originally bought the Polar FT4 but in all honesty I never got into using it. First, there are a lot of buttons and frankly I dont have the patience for little buttons that I can't see with my old eyes. So, unless I'm going to walk around with my glasses on all the time -- that product doesn't work for me.

    I recently bought a Fitbit Flex online. I love the ease of use. I also love that it logs your sleep and that you can honestly see if you sleep good or if there are patterns of restlessness. I thought I slept more but I seem to average 7.5 hours a night. I thought I slept like 9.....

    I do love that Fitbit sends me little updates to let me know how close I am (via text or email) to my goals. This way if I am shy my 10,000 steps, I can take a quick walk around my neighborhood and feel satisfied with my step count for the day. THAT number I was dillusional about as well. I thought I always would get 10,000 steps in each day because I start with a nice long walk. BUT NOT TRUE. I am into monitoring my exercise more now as well as what I eat. AND, the flex is waterproof. I only take the band off to recharge my battery - every 6 days or so. Good luck
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I have the jawbone up.

    Positives: sleep tracking (I need to get more of it), vibrates when you've been still too long, syncs with runkeeper and MFP, I don't have to remember to take it out of pants pockets or waistbands because it is always on my wrist, easy to switch from active to sleep mode, gets me to move more often at work, tha app is great (easy to read and great graphs)

    Negatives: not 100% accurate (It didn't show that I moved for an hour when I know I did), seems to think I need less calories than I do (and I haven't found where I can adjust this as it is based on algorythm using gender, height, weight etc)

    For me it isn't a big deal to sync with my phone a few times a day. Some people may not like that option. I also am not bothered by not having a website. The battery doesn't usually last a full 10 days but it is pretty close.
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    I have a BodyMedia band I really enjoy 'knowing' what my exact burn is plus the data on my sleep and my steps. This site way over estimates the calories burned on the exercises I do so its really good to know my true calorie use. My girls couldn't stand the idea of the band on their arm being visable so they wanted the Fitbit Force for Xmas. So far they like it. I am looking at getting a HRM though as I can't see my heart rate whiile I'm working out for training purposes. Supposedly knowng your heart rate while working out is suppose to be better when following a specific training program. I haven't committed yet though since I've paid for the body media (now 2 years ago) and aren't quite wanting to shell out more for a HRM. By the way, Jawbone bought Bodymedia but I haven't seen them change their products yet.
  • g0radioham
    If you want something low cost but still motivational then go for one of the Omron 'Walking Style' pedometers. I have had a Walking Style II for years - it's simple but effective. Similar updated models sell for ~ $30 I guess on Amazon (sorry I deal in GBP!). I find the reviews on Amazon are very helpful in deciding which work and which are not so good. I was hoping to get a Fitbit One for Christmas but apparently no-one loved me that much :cry:
    By the way, apart from two days when I had an accident I have done 10K steps each day this year so far! (all down to monitoring with the Omron... so it does work for me at least.
  • karibj2010
    karibj2010 Posts: 264 Member
    I started with the Fitbit Flex...loved it...and a few months ago I upgraded to the Fitbit Force...and I absolutely LOVE it. Worth every penny. I love what I feel this little tool has helped me accomplish in my weight loss journey.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    never used one...have always been curious about them...have never really had any issues not having one (in that I lost weight pretty easily and I've been maintaining for 9 months pretty easily)...but I like gadgets...but $100 can buy me some cool gear for my bike, so I usually end up going that route when I have $100 burning a whole in my pocket.
  • Zx14chick
    Zx14chick Posts: 255 Member
    My husband and I both have the basic Polar HRMs. We feel it makes our workouts more effective, plus we hope that the calorie burn is more accurate. I have found MFP rarely calculates my burn, sometimes higher, sometimes lower. I spent around $70 on my HRM on Amazon and wish now that I had purchased the one that syncs online. We use Virgin Miles pedometers at work and I forget to wear that darn thing all the time, which stinks because they actually give you money for your steps based on how many you take in a year!
  • dimple_gal
    dimple_gal Posts: 138 Member
    I got the Fitbit Flex for Christmas, and I have really enjoyed the additional challenge. It motivates me to move more, and since I have a fairly sedentary job, it pushes me to get up and walk more. The sleep information is interesting also. My only grip is that it really only calculates based on steps. So, non-stepping exertion - the rowing machine, lifing weights, etc. are great exercise, but not tracking. I am looking into a HRM next, which should capture everything.
  • ejbraun
    ejbraun Posts: 93 Member
    I've had the Fitbit Flex for almost a month and I am liking it. Interested in the calories burned on there compared to my HRM and which one is more accurate. I think its well worth the money as long as you use it.
  • theguy12
    theguy12 Posts: 156
    I am pretty much convinced to buy a Fitbit Force BUT one big question.

    I don't really run/walk.

    I like to workout (circuit training). Is it still going to be useful? Isn't it mostly for steps?
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    I am pretty much convinced to buy a Fitbit Force BUT one big question.

    I don't really run/walk.

    I like to workout (circuit training). Is it still going to be useful? Isn't it mostly for steps?

    Depends - what you need it for? if it is to track calories burned then get yourself a HRM instead, at least figures are correct and not guestimation!
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I am pretty much convinced to buy a Fitbit Force BUT one big question.

    I don't really run/walk.

    I like to workout (circuit training). Is it still going to be useful? Isn't it mostly for steps?

    Yes, it gets you moving your body. So get up and move. :tongue:

    Its not going to help with the circuit training thing though. You may want to consider a HRM.