Lost 55 pounds, gained 25 back?

I had lost 55 pounds from December 2010 to August 2012, and hav since gained back 25 of those pounds. Anyone in the same boat? I lost most of my weight when i was calorie-obsessed, and as soon as I tried to regain control of my happiness I gained everything back and I feel just as disgusting as I did when I started this whole thing. Heaviest weight was 190, lowest was around 142, and current weight is 165. Goal weight is 120. I am 5'10", and my biggest problem is binge eating now whereas it used to be self-restriction. Am I stuck in this rut forever? What can I do? I am not ready to go back to 190... :(


  • Hi. I can relate to the eating disorder. Last January I was about 25 pounds lighter due to resticted eating. I liked how I looked but everyone wss saying I looked sick. Well..about 6 months later my body started gained some of the weight back and I hadnt changed s thing! I was frustrated and depressed. I found oout I messed up my metabolism and my thyroid as well. I started binge eating too. That only made me feel worse. You are tall and like me are not overweight yet..but are probably very afraid of getting to that uncomfortable weight again? All I can say is..I am seeing a therapist. .naturalapath and trying to exercise and eat right. Not below my defecit anymore. You are not alone! I wish I could help more..but unfortunately this is a disorder and needs to be treated as such. Good luck hun.
  • moment_to_arise
    moment_to_arise Posts: 207 Member
    you are 5' 10" and you want to be 120? WHY?? I am 5' 9" and weigh 195 lbs and LOVE it. I lift weights so I am a bit heavier than you would expect but still.... at my SKINNIEST (and people were telling me i was too skinny, plus this was when i was going through a medical condition that caused me to drop weight) i was still 155 lbs.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    Honestly, your goal is unrealistic and not maintainable on the long run in a healthy way. 120 lb for 5'10" ? BMI=17, is way way too low !
    Your lowest weight 142 is a BMI=20.8, and probably the lowest you should ever go.Your current weight of 165 BMI=23.2 is actually in the healthy range .
    If I were you , I would not want to lose weight. Try to focus on your fitness level instead.
  • Firekeeper66
    Firekeeper66 Posts: 116 Member
    Not that I put a lot of stock in the whole BMI thing but 120 at your height is underweight and therefore hard on the ol' organs. Take care of them and they'll take care of you.

    (Also, your current weight and height fall into a "normal" BMI range).

    Stop focusing on the numbers - and the food - maybe try lifting to get the shape you want over the number you desire. Nip this in the bud before it becomes an eating disorder.

    Just my opinion, take it or leave it...
  • dannatona
    dannatona Posts: 101 Member
    I lost 40lbs and then gained 20 of it back after stopping my calorie restrictions... I'm still trying to find the right calorie intake for me to lose weight, but I know that after eating 1200 calories or less a day for two years it's going to take a while for my body to adjust...
  • jayboo515
    jayboo515 Posts: 1 Member
    I know how you feel. I lost 60lbs and gained back 40lbs. Not happy but I only have myself to blame. Got super lazy and procrastinated myself into this "new" shape. I hope this app/program will help me drop the poundage.
  • Eveheron
    Eveheron Posts: 12 Member
    Yikes... How did I forget to look at this until almost a year later?! Sorry guys! I guess this can serve as kind of an update. I'm still exactly at 165; I've stopped caring so much about the numbers on the scale, cut out fake food and diet products, and am focusing on eating properly and taking care of myself. Ultimately, I just want to be happy, not twiggy. :)