Making Friends! Making Changes!

I've been pretty bad lately... well since Christmas in particular. I have been on the weight loosing adventure since August 2013 and I feel I have actually done quite well I have lost 30 lbs in that time. Then I remember when I first started and that first 10lbs just melted away it seemed, at the rate I was going my goal of loosing my 70 lbs I convinced myself would be done by Christmas. I didn't quite get that far but to see 30lbs gone by Christmas and to be back to my weight I have been for many years felt pretty amazing! I have now made the decision to join the Canadian Military... I have given myself a year to get into reasonable enough shape to make it through basic training. Doesn't seem so hard? I lost 30 lbs in 5 months.... why couldn't I loose 40 lbs in 12 months? Yet right now I'm sitting here in ... I guess is fear... this is unchartered territory to be below 160 lbs I have never done before. Guess I'm just looking for some encouraging people along the way!