Trying to lose weight on a tight budget!

My whole life I have felt....and been called....overweight. Although now I look back at photos and realize I was quite slim! The only time I ever lost significant weight is when my now-ex husband ended our 18 year relationship in 2012 by telling me he was sneaking around with my now-ex best friend and was leaving me for her!
I went into a depression and didn't eat a stitch of food for over three weeks, until my Mother made me go to the doctor. I lost about 16lbs. I could notice it in my face, thighs and my belly.
I started to feel better in a few weeks after medication and a lot of friendship therapy. I actually started to enjoy my new found size! For the first time in many, many years, I fit into a size 30 jean!! I was always a 36 or more!
A few months later, I met an amazing man, we are still together and going strong. But....recently I noticed I have put on at least 20lbs since the spring of 2013. My fav Guess skinny jeans (size 30!) which he bought me now no longer fit :( I can't even get them up past my knees. I cried for almost an hour. It's crazy how we never notice the weight piling up until it's too late but notice every little bit that leaves!
My finances also got seriously messed up and I am now living paycheck to paycheck. I can't afford most of the healthy stuff I want and should be eating, I can't afford a gym membership or any equipment. I DESPISE the cold so I don't get outside much in the winter. I sooooo want to fit back into those Guess skinny jeans....can anyone offer some pointers to someone on a serious budget?? Oh....and I have very little willpower or motivation. LOL I will be the first to admit, I am's how I grew up. I didn't grow up in an active home, my mother is overweight.
Any advice will be appreciated....but please be gentle! LOL


  • CatFrogPanda
    CatFrogPanda Posts: 45 Member
    hey I'm on a tight budget too. I do most of my exercise in the house. I use the Wii fit and a dance mat for ps2 i've had since I was ten. I also so look on youtube for some fitness video and because there are so many i dont get bored of seeing the same video.
    I hope this gives you some ideas.
  • MissKim78
    MissKim78 Posts: 426 Member
    Thanks! I've tried the Wii Fit before but never really stuck with it. I will give YouTube a shot though!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    What is this "healthy" stuff that you think you should be eating that you can't afford? I ask because this is generally a matter of what one perceives as healthy vs what is actually nutritionally beneficial to you... as well as good food /bad food stigmas as well as thinking you need to be eating all organic, etc.
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    if you have a Wegman's near you they have $1 frozen packs of veggies. the broccoli is okay (has lot of the stems), but the green beans are great!

    buy in bulk, freeze stuff, watch for sales.
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    First, I just want to say SO SORRY that your ex-husband was such a grade A douche bag! Wow. You definetly handled it "better" than I would. I'd be writing this from the jail library if I found out my guy was cheating w/ my friend. So, kudos on being STRONG enough to not break down. Sure, you were depressed, but that's natural. You didn't let it GET you. <3

    Now, I'm broke, and when I say broke, I mean... B-R-O-K-E! Lolz. You can do at home exercises, using youtube... check out Fitness Blender on YT... the videos are really good. And, I know you said you don't like the cold, but you are going to need to step outside your comfort zone. Run, go to the park, just get out there and be mobile!

    For food, how much do you spend a week? $50? Try the farmer's market. I spend about $20 on weekly fruits/veggies from a farmer's market. If I were to buy them at Stop & Shop (grocery store), it would be about $40-50. Get coupons, sign up on vendor sites, and they'll send you coupons every once in a while.

    Whatever you decide, I wish you luck!
  • SephiraRose
    SephiraRose Posts: 775 Member
    Many video stores have free fitness dvd rentals, or maybe try your public library, ours rent for 75 cents for 5 days. Good luck.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    If you are willing to cook cheap food should not be an issue....

    Buy frozen veggies & fruit when you can. Buy fresh produce at Aldi ....if you can. Buy in bulk & freeze....lots of ways to save money.

    Cheap (indoor) exercise......

    Check Youtube or your local library for DVDs. I really like Walk At Home DVDs (Leslie Sansone)....some used ones are inexpensive on Amazon.

    Jessica Smith TV (on YouTube) has some walking videos too......for any weighted workouts use cans or milk jugs as weights.

    Since you have a Wii ......try renting Just Dance from might like it enough to buy a used copy (from Amazon).
  • freckledjezebel
    freckledjezebel Posts: 65 Member
    My husband and I are on a tight budget as well, so we stick to chicken and veggies. We get a whole chicken for about 8 bucks, and I roast it with lemon and herbs. A four-pound chicken lasts two people about three days if you are diligent about picking off ALL the meat. The cheapest veggie is usually broccoli, so I steam a bunch of it and eat lots, which helps me fill up without a bunch of calories.

    If you get greens like lettuce whole instead of bagged, it'll cost you a lot less and there's often a lot more. You could eat salad with leftover chicken from the night before, with a little bit of dressing for lunch.

    Eggs are not expensive (unless you get egg whites, those tend to be more pricey) and are a good protein choice for breakfast, or you could also get a big tub of genetic oatmeal. I mean the stuff in the cardboard tube, not the packets. Eat with skim milk for protein and some agave syrup or stevia. Very filling.

    Once you get the hang of it and realize how much packaging costs (for instance: chicken breasts versus a whole chicken) it's not hard to eat healthy on a budget, you'll actually find yourself spending less money than if you buy all convenience food because with fresh food you feel full on less.

    Hope this helps!
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Where do people find these farmer's markets where things are cheaper than the grocery store?! We went to one this weekend to compare, and everything we checked was more expensive yet than the organics at our local store.
  • BL_Coleman
    BL_Coleman Posts: 324 Member
    1. Long walks are free and relaxing ( work your way up to 3-5 miles) that should give you about an hours walk.
    2. Frozen Veggies, Celery and Peanut butter ( cheap, and good for you) Oh rice, chicken also very good fillers.

    3. Your EX husband SUCKS.

    4. Calculate your BMR and starting out eat only 200 calories over that, when your weight goes down, recalculate and continue down. Do not just do the 1200 calories, its not sustainable for most people.
  • iwtfytj
    iwtfytj Posts: 41 Member
    Where do people find these farmer's markets where things are cheaper than the grocery store?! We went to one this weekend to compare, and everything we checked was more expensive yet than the organics at our local store.

    I agree, I have never found farmer's markets near me where the prices are cheaper than the grocery store!
  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member
    Man, really sorry for all you've been through.

    You don't specifically say so, but are you talking about pre-packaged "healthy" foods? Like "Lean Cuisine" type deals? That's a lot more expensive than just making stuff yourself.

    I whipped up a huge (!) batch of veggie soup with a little grilled chicken added for less than $20. It's enough for my wife and I to both have two cups for lunch every day for the whole week even after us both eating it for dinner the day we made it. Less than $2 a meal.
  • Rerun201
    Rerun201 Posts: 125 Member
    Eating healthy is great, but I wouldn't worry too much about that in these circumstances. If you're looking to lose weight, it is a matter of calories in vs. calories out. Make sure the calories out are always greater than the calories in and you should lose weight. Don't cut yourself too short on calories, though. You'll still need a sufficient number of calories to get you through the day without crashing and to give you the energy you need. A 500 calorie deficit each day should result in a 1 lb per week weight loss.

    As for exercise, the cheapest exercise in the world is walking, followed by bodyweight calisthenics in your home. Both are great ways to lose weight and gain strength/maintain or gain muscle on a tight budget. There are tons of bodyweight programs out there now that are available. Not too many years ago you couldn't find one on a library shelf anywhere; now they are experiencing a resurgence in popularity. Check your local library for them and pick one you think you can do and stick with.

    And, as has already been suggested here, youtube and other internet sources are a gold mine for exercise programs/videos. All you gotta do is search.
  • ZaftigBetty
    ZaftigBetty Posts: 86 Member
    Don't know where you live exactly, but I shop at Aldi Grocery Stores here in Texas. My lunch costs 0.99 cents and is under 300 calories. I weigh over 200 lbs and i'm satisfied with this food. I enjoy healthy but it has to be appetizing too. I'm changing from McD's everyday and its quite an adjustment. I get to choose from their Fit & Active brand of such selections as 5-Cheese Lasagna, Chicken Alfredo, and Shrimp pasta. They have the big packs of string cheese from brand Happy Farms (70 calories per stick) for just $1.99. Their ground turkey, fresh veggies, and such are just priced so low. I love this place! Good luck!
  • TX_Rhon
    TX_Rhon Posts: 1,549 Member
    I would love to say I live paycheck to paycheck - its more like paycheck to Tuesday :laugh:

    I cannot afford a gym or fitbit now but I have lost 42lbs regardless. The last few have been thanks to MFP and the wonderful help on here. I make alot of my meals in advance. I went to MyFitFoods and discovered I can make something close to them and really save money. I do buy Smart Ones for lunch as well which are less than $2.

    I am lazy as well. However, I do walk. Great stress reliever after a long effed up day at work.

    For me, I made small goals. With everyone made, the motivations gets and stays stronger. 1200 is low. If you are doubting, use whatever MFP gives you. Set it to lose 1lb/week. (mine is set for .5lb as I only have 8 more lbs to go) Be realistic. You didn't gain it all in a week, so don't expect to lose it all in a week.

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member
    Eating healthy is great, but I wouldn't worry too much about that in these circumstances.

    No reason you can't do both. You don't need "Farmer's Market" or "Organic" stuff to eat healthy. Frozen veggies are cheap. I prefer them to canned just because canned seems to always come with sodium.
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    Dried beans are great if you are on a budget. Vegetarian chili with black beans, can of crushed tomatoes, can of diced, can of corn. Pasta with chickpeas, veggies, and parmesan cheese. Soups with carrots, potatoes, and lentils/beans.

    Aldi has all the staples and plenty of healthy foods (if by healthy you mean produce - I know mine has locally grown food and some organic options). I wouldn't buy meat there, but I am not a meat consumer anyway.
  • mamacoates
    mamacoates Posts: 430 Member
    But....recently I noticed I have put on at least 20lbs since the spring of 2013. My fav Guess skinny jeans (size 30!) which he bought me now no longer fit :( I can't even get them up past my knees. I cried for almost an hour. It's crazy how we never notice the weight piling up until it's too late but notice every little bit that leaves!
    My finances also got seriously messed up and I am now living paycheck to paycheck. I can't afford most of the healthy stuff I want and should be eating, I can't afford a gym membership or any equipment. I DESPISE the cold so I don't get outside much in the winter. I sooooo want to fit back into those Guess skinny jeans....can anyone offer some pointers to someone on a serious budget?? Oh....and I have very little willpower or motivation. LOL I will be the first to admit, I am's how I grew up. I didn't grow up in an active home, my mother is overweight.
    Any advice will be appreciated....but please be gentle! LOL

    Whenever someone ends a post with "please be gentle", I think they must already know the answers to their own questions. With that said, I will try to oblige ...

    Starting your quote with the key word ... "But ..." This is what I hear from your post:
    I want, but...
    I can't, but ...
    I don't, but....

    Weight gain and weigh loss are mathematical equations. Eat more calories than our body needs = weight gain. Eat less calories than our body needs = weight loss. No fancy foods, gym equipment, personal trainers, etc. needed - Just hard work and commitment. At this point in your life, your background story and your mother's status are not relevant. Your current mindset is.

    We gain weight because we chose to eat more calories than we use. We fail to lose weight because we don't do what we need to do to create a calorie deficit. As I read the rest of your post, I think you have already identified your biggest road blocks and it is not your tight budget. There are many people here in this community (myself included), that would be happy to help you but you have to be ready to put in the hard work as there are no quick fixes or shortcuts. Being healthy is a lifestyle choice. Excuses undermine success. When you are done crying over your skinny jeans and ready to come back with a CAN DO attitude, you can start by making a list of what you DO have access to, including whole fresh foods/ingredients (time to get rid of the packaged stuff) and start researching things like "You are Your Own Gym" and fitness resources on You-Tube, inexpensive exercise DVD's, etc. Your best success will come from doing your own research and then asking people how to fill in the holes or how to make adjustments to what you are already putting together on your own.
  • saskie78
    saskie78 Posts: 237 Member
    I started my fitness journey when I was a student and totally broke! I got DVDs out of library and started doing Leslie Sansone's walking videos. That eventually got me to the point where I was walking outside. Then that walking turned into running. And now I run marathons!

    Foodwise, canned beans, tomatoes, and lentils are healthy, filling, and very cheap. I cook big batches of soups with lots of beans and freeze it in individual servings. And, as everyone else said, frozen veggies--lots of 'em!

    Good luck!
  • MissKim78
    MissKim78 Posts: 426 Member
    "Healthy" stuff like fruits & veggies, whole grain items etc. Packaged & canned foods are MUCH cheaper and also full of more sodium and calories. And even in packaged items, the lower fat & calorie options seem to be more expensive.