Looking for people to help keep me motivated.

Hi Everyone! My name is Katherine, I'm 28, and I'm a stylist living in North Carolina. I've tried many times to get in shape but I always seem to fall back into the same old rut. Not working out, eating out, and eating a lot of crappy food. This time I really want to make it stick so I'd like to make friends on here that are trying to obtain the same goals. I don't want to just lose weight, I want to be toned up and lean. Being a hairdresser I want to look my best and feel my best so that I can continue giving my all to my clients. Right now I'm working out with programs I find from bodybuilding.com. I'm working on cleaning up my diet and keeping myself on track. Please feel free to add me or message me so we can support one another. =)


  • suzely0530
    suzely0530 Posts: 150 Member
    Hi Katherine, my name is Suzanne, 41 yo and recently married. I have been on MFP for over a year and log on several times per day. I'm trying to mainain my weight at this point and I've recently switched from weight lifting to P90X3. I don't know where I would be without the support from friends I've met on MFP. I will send you a friend request and any other ladies looking for support, please feel free to add me :)
  • SgtBA_Diana
    SgtBA_Diana Posts: 156 Member
    Hi. The first time I tried MFP, I didn't really have the motivation to keep with it so I slacked & eventually stopped. I came back to it in Sept. 2013 with a whole new attitude. My goal is also to be toned & lean. Whether it's friends that you actually know or friends that you make on MFP, they keep you going whether you need motivation with a Like or a comment. You're on the right track & now you'll have more support as you gain MFP friends. Good luck! Sending you a friend request. Anyone else looking for support, feel free to add me.
  • vt78che
    vt78che Posts: 44 Member
    Hey there, Katherine! I'm a 58 y/o male trying to lose weight for a variety of reasons, and I understand your challenges. It is hard to keep on track long term. This is a great group of people that are very supportive. Some are just starting out, some like me are mid-way to our goals, and others have been successful and are trying to stay there, but its a daily challenge, regardless of where you are in your journey. Hearing words of encouragement from others, knowing you aren't alone can be such a big help. I look forward to seeing your progress! -Mike
  • daniellabella986
    daniellabella986 Posts: 325 Member
    Hi Katherine! We're the same age and I think looking for the same things - I'm looking to lose weight but then tone up and build muscle...I want to go into a true bulking stage lol. Glad you're starting a healthier journey, good luck!
  • kisa88
    kisa88 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello, my name is Katrin and I'm also looking to make the same positive changes as you are! I'm going to add you to my friend list :)
  • SZD10
    SZD10 Posts: 6
    Hi folks,

    I'm in the same boat as Katherine/ Have been on MFP forever and managed to lose a lot of weight but getting to the point where this journey is becoming very lonely and my motivation is taking a plunge. I still have six kg to lose and just need to some support and motivation to get me there. I'm a PT so know how to achieve my goal, it's more about the mental aspect.
    Feel free to add me a friend so we can aid each other. Cheers
  • good_girl_n
    Me too! I am also a newbie. I dont wanna lose weight but I need help toning up. I get down on myself as I lost 85 lbs in 3 years. My tummy feels weird like as I got to my goal it got that feeling. I currently weigh 134 ,but my stomach is the only thing I feel I need to work on.it brings me down. I am starting Jillians ab DVD s now to see if they will help me see progress. It's like I am skinny fat.any ideas from others with this issue?flabby tummies suck lol makes nothing seem to fit right ugh.
  • rya4eva
    rya4eva Posts: 18 Member
    I am looking for people to keep me motivated. I have 60lbs to lose and want to do it the healthy way. I often times will be excellent for two weeks and then will fall off :(
  • Ruth4111gut
    Ruth4111gut Posts: 289 Member
    Welcome!! I am looking for people to keep me motivated. I have 20 pounds to lose and want to do it the healthy way. I have a bunch of great support here. feel free to add me
  • redrose1983
    Hello everyone.im new here on MFP.im 31 years old and mother of 3.Gained a Lot over the years.My SW was 230 lbs.Lost few pounds ... CW is 214 lbs ... i love to add some friends. my GW is 130 lbs. Really need some Motivation.Love to see the progress of so many peoples here on MFP.so i joined it :) i hope it will help me ...
  • hwilkinson33
    Hello, my name is Heather and i'm an addict...I'm addicted to food. My last meal was 2 mins ago! I can't stop! I need help. I'm 29 and year after year I've gained unwanted pounds. No help to the medication I am on for my bipolar disorder. I gained 30 lbs in 2 months. I'm the heaviest now then I have ever been. My CW is 157. You may say, "oh, that's not bad." But i'm only 5ft 1in. So yes, it is bad. I guess I am posting here to get a little motivation and you all seem really nice. So if you want, add me and we can motivate each other through this addiction. :)

    P.S. I will add some of you once I figure out how lol.
  • shann1979
    shann1979 Posts: 13 Member
    I just started with MFP and constantly struggle to stay motivated. I have atleast 100lbs to lose, goal would be closer to 125-130lbs lost. For now i would just like to get going, feel better and start losing something! I will add you and anyone else who wants to add me please feel free. :happy:
  • notsuchaskinnybitch
    Hiya! Welcome to add me :) I am very active on here. Good luck!! xx