
I have started adding cleans to my routine since I'm now going to a gym that enables me to do them. What type of cleans do you prefer and why?




  • the_great_unknown
    the_great_unknown Posts: 194 Member
    Hanging power cleans :) I like starting in the hang position instead of from the floor.
  • jppd47
    jppd47 Posts: 737 Member
    I like hang/power cleans when warming up or using lighter weight. When it starts to get heavier I like to do full cleans.

    I find it easier to do full cleans with heavier weight. Hang power cleans I find good for warming up, or practicing with, so you can focus more on particular areas were you need work with form. By heavier and lighter I mean it relative to what I'm comfortable with
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    I hate them (as I could never hit the 40kg mark) and both my teenage daughters are better at them than me :(
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    For what? They all have value for different reasons. Right now, I'm high-frequency squatting, which means I'm rarely deadlifting. I use power cleans as an accessory lift to keep my upper back firing and improve speed off the floor without putting a ton of extra strain on my lower body. C&J are a killer full-body lift. Full Cleans are a great variation for people who hate regular front squatting or get bored with it. Hang variations are good trap blasters.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    I've been doing power cleans. As part of a programme that includes sprinting along with "slow" lifts.

    And I've found a bit more "pop" on my punching and kicking. But it's all a bit synergistic really, couldn't say which element is really more responsible for what, tbh.

    My maximum is: if it's working, keep doing it!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    power cleans but really my favorite oly lift is the snatch
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    For what? They all have value for different reasons.

    Well, I'm currently trying to finish off these last 15 pounds or so. My goal is just overall strength and health. I enjoy sports so power, speed and agility are my goals. I'm a function over form type of guy so I'd rather focus on strength than aesthetics.

    Right now I have bees alternating between power cleans and clean and press. I'm just curious what others are doing and why. And what I could possibly benefit most from.

  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    I enjoy sports so power, speed and agility are my goals. I'm a function over form type of guy so I'd rather focus on strength than aesthetics.

    Well, PC's would probably translate well to any sport that involves a vertical jumping component.

    You'll probably need to do sport-specific drills for more specific carry-over to a particular sport though.

    What sports are you playing?
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    I enjoy sports so power, speed and agility are my goals. I'm a function over form type of guy so I'd rather focus on strength than aesthetics.

    Well, PC's would probably translate well to any sport that involves a vertical jumping component.

    You'll probably need to do sport-specific drills for more specific carry-over to a particular sport though.

    What sports are you playing?

    I play basketball twice a week in a league, and other sports sporadically.

  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    I enjoy sports so power, speed and agility are my goals. I'm a function over form type of guy so I'd rather focus on strength than aesthetics.

    Well, PC's would probably translate well to any sport that involves a vertical jumping component.

    You'll probably need to do sport-specific drills for more specific carry-over to a particular sport though.

    What sports are you playing?

    I play basketball twice a week in a league, and other sports sporadically.


    Well, as a short-*kitten* myself, I know next to nothing about basketball :P

    But, it is a jump heavy sport. I think a regime with some PCing and (on another day) some more explosive plyos (or even some speed-work) would probably be quite helpful.

    As always when lifting or training for athletic carryover, you must judge the volume that is enough to be effective but not so much you start effing up your soft tissue (given the demand placed upon them by practicing and playing the sport too) and the fact that you can overdo the CNS side of things too.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I was worried someone misspelled cleanse. Phew.

    I got nothing though. I'm scared of cleans mostly because I'm concerned that if I don't have the form right, I could seriously hurt myself. And my gym rather sucks for lifting so while there is a squat rack, there is not much open room for clutter free lifting. And seeing the video of the guy breaking his back lifting in a cluttered area... Nope, not for me.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    I was worried someone misspelled cleanse. Phew.

    I got nothing though. I'm scared of cleans mostly because I'm concerned that if I don't have the form right, I could seriously hurt myself. And my gym rather sucks for lifting so while there is a squat rack, there is not much open room for clutter free lifting. And seeing the video of the guy breaking his back lifting in a cluttered area... Nope, not for me.

    Cleans are a killer exercise with a lot of carryover into functional strength. Give them a chance. Learn form with a broomstick so you're not in danger, and work your way up to either an empty barbell, or a fixed lower-weight barbell if your gym has those.