Baby Weight/Want More Children/Easy solutions?!?

I have a LOT of weight to lose! My baby is already 9 months, so I no longer even feel justified with the excuse. I started crossfit in December, which makes me feel better but I know my diet has not been the best. The weight on the scale is the most depressing thing in the world. I just started a sugar detox and am on day 3....and HATING it!

Additionally, I am fearful as I am 37 (gulp) and we would like more children. Which means we need to start soon, and I am terrified of putting on even more weight. Not sure what to do, as I desperately want to lose, but also want more children and unfortunately I am old!

Any thoughts or advice?? I love the idea of eating clean. However, the prep work involved is killing husband literally works around the clock (he is a chef), and I work from home. I barely have time to shower, let alone spend half my day in the kitchen prepping, cleaning and cooking.


  • PippiNe
    PippiNe Posts: 283 Member
    Worry about clean eating when you can, don't stress over it. What counts is the amount of food you are eating. Keep your portions smaller than what you have eaten in the past. If you normally have 2 pieces of lasagna, just eat one and have more veggies instead. Cut out excessive snacking. If you eat nutritious fiber/protein rich foods, you won't feel as hungry for junk food snacks in between meals. I personally need to log my calories to stay on track, but my mother has lost a similar amount of weight just eating less and cutting out the sweets and has never counted a single calorie. Do what works for you.

    Incorporate at least 20 minutes of exercise into your day. Take your baby for a walk or bike ride or do a workout video while he/she plays nearby. You don't need to spend hours at the gym to lose weight, it just takes eating less calories that your body burns in a day.

    As for gaining weight having more children, your doctor will likely advise you to not gain more than 20 or so pounds with a future pregnancy if you are considerably overweight now. That should help to keep things in check. Half those 20lbs will be gone the day baby arrives. The other half won't be so hard to lose if you learn to eat proper food portions now. Best of luck to you!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Don't delay the baby because of weight issues IMO... You just never know. Just stick to your goal and try now... you can always lose the weight later if you end up pregnant (plus you can still count calories while pregnant anyway to avoid gaining too much).
  • lisasc0721
    lisasc0721 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks. I actually have started crossfit in December and it kicks my butt! I go about 4 times a week, and go on walks as much as possible. I just gained close to 50lbs with my daughter, and have only lost 20. Not to mention I was about 20-30lbs heavier than I wanted to be when I got pregnant in the first place. By no means am I morbidly obese, but the scale is (MUCH) higher than I have ever seen it, and I am still in between maternity clothes and larger than I want to sizes of normal clothes. And I am still pumping 4-5x day, which is taxing! I do love carbs and sugar. I know that is what I need to curb, but now that I have gone on this detox I am thinking about them 24/7! Argh. I used to be in good shape, an athlete,etc....but the last 10 years have been a downward spiral!