The scale hates me..

So, I've recently lost a large amount of weight. I started at 245 and am now down to... Well, that's the question. Each scale is telling me something different. I understand that using a number is not a good way to track weight loss and fat loss but I still would like to know. I calibrated the dial scale in the gym locker room with and 20 pound weight and the scale read exactly 20 pounds, however; when I use the digital scale it reads 8-10 pounds more.. Which is really discouraging. I thought I was 180.. But the other scale is telling me 188-190. It makes me super super upset.. And I know it shouldn't. But any advice????


  • Tabithas_Transformation
    I don't have any advice but I can totally sympathise! My scales give me a different weight depending on which floor they're on (tiles vs carpet). To save the upset, stick to the one scale and if it's digital get some fresh batteries just in case :-)
  • rebertoc
    Weigh yourself at the same time and day every week and use the same scales. E.g. Every Saturday? And more or less the same time in the morning when you wake up.
  • Dawnidizzle
    I hate my scale too! Everyday a different amount! I weigh myself on the same scale every day at the same time! Early am after my am pee! :) Before I shower and such.. Just to make sure. Today it was good to me... Lets hope it stays that way! Because it is super stressful!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    If you calibrated the scale at the gym, I would say that's the most accurate.

    Are you weighing at different times under different circumstances? Weighing first thing in the morning, especially after using the bathroom and before eating breakfast with little to no clothing is going to likely be the best time. You'll have little to no food in your system so you're only really weighing your body. Versus weighing later in the day after having consumed food and drink, with more clothes on, etc, when you're going to weigh more.

    Plus there's the various reasons you'll see water weight fluctuations - high sodium, monthly hormone fluctuations, hard workouts, etc

    You really just can't let that number effect your emotions. Pick one scale and stick with it and weigh at the same time every day under the same approximate conditions. Use other methods of tracking progress like body measurements, pictures, paying attention to how your clothes are fitting

    or buy a new digital scale.
  • arios952013
    arios952013 Posts: 201 Member
    Find a different scale - perhaps the doctor's office or one at work? or go try them out in the store (I did that once) :-)

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