smokers that are quitting or have quit for motivation



  • jjoh553028
    jjoh553028 Posts: 41 Member
    I smoked smoked for 30 years until I got an ecigarette in may 2013 and have not smoke again since. Dont even want a cigarette. I am working on cutting back on the nicotine and will eventually stop these. I am so glad that I quit, even though some peeps say that I still smoke... It still has to be better than tobacco.
  • wonkosane
    wonkosane Posts: 42 Member
    Another three days of pain cold turkey quitter here.

    It's been over four years now.

    The trick for me was telling everyone I was quitting. I was too proud to fail when everyone at work, home and certain random strangers all knew I was going to quit.
  • jsickman12
    jsickman12 Posts: 139 Member
    Been cigarette free for over 3 years. It took me many tries to kick the habit, but best decision of my life. The thing is, you really have to wnt to quit, it can't be just a thought of "I like smoking, but it is bad for me". you need to have the mindset of "I hate disgusting cigarette's and I never want to smoke again" The first few times I tried, I didn't actually want to stop, so I ended up falling right back into it. When I finally decided that I was over it, I stopped, and have never look back. It is tough, but put your mind to it!
  • Drietovenares
    Drietovenares Posts: 4 Member
    ****** E-CIG!!!! ******
    I have tried everything else so I never expected THIS to be the solution. I have had several friends quit using this but I was still so against the idea.

    "It's just not the same...I like the feel of a cigarette in my hand...It will never work for me...It's too expensive." I had every excuse under the sun. Then my close friend (who also quit this way) got me one for Christmas.

    I got this top:
    with this bottom:

    First I thought "Well, I have to use it because it was a gift and she is around me all the time." So I figured I would sort of switch off. Pretty quickly I found I wasn't smoking the cigarettes in my purse. I still have trouble at the bar when everyone around me is smoking and there is alcohol involved but I have noticed the smell of regular cigarettes is now bothering me anywhere else and I can smell it a mile away even if the person is not currently smoking. I can't encourage you enough to try this!

    Here is a list of reasons why:

    While the initial investment feels like a lot, it's the cost of cigarettes for +/- 1-2 months depending on how much you smoke and which e-cig you buy. After that, it's a tiny fraction of the price. 100% pays for itself in +/- 2 months.

    It tastes good and it's fun to find new flavors to try...which makes you more fun to kiss. Not only does it not smell bad but it actually smells really good....which makes you more fun to be close to.

    It makes it very easy to quit. It weens you off nicotine because you can gradually lower the amount in the juice. You don't even notice it's happening until you notice that you are not only not smoking regular cigarettes but you are not even craving them!

    You can "smoke" inside without bothering anyone! This is not always the case as every building/home is different but I "smoke" in my office at work and it does not bother anyone. I "smoke" inside my house and it doesn't linger or smell bad. It's ok at most bars and a lot of other public places. Use your judgment but what is the worst that can happen? They ask you to go outside? Hasn't happened to me yet!

    Number 1 reason? It's not going to kill you!! You are not short of breath anymore, coughing, sore chest, whatever your smoking symtoms - they are gone! Here is a blog with links to a number of studies you might find useful when deciding. Are they safe for you and those around you? (yes) Do they work? (yes):

    I suggest finding a local vape shop. Go in and talk to the person behind the counter. Ask how they work and what your options are. Most of my friends found they preferred a mechanical mod or "mod". Then get some recommendations on types, go online and read some reviews, and then price shop on the many available websites.

    Here are a couple good ones, in case you take my advice... (Everything is cheap) (Cheap juices; highest quality for lowest price; also give you option of adding more flavor shots) (Cheap supplies) (Stock hard to find supplies) (Organic Juices) (Free shipping always) (Chat available 24/7/365; sell individual replacement parts) (Juice reviews)

    Last tips...they usually let you taste all the different kinds of flavors in the stores before you buy them, always read the juice reviews, buy online, keep an extra battery and don't forget to charge it, always keep enough juice on hand, ALWAYS go for the pen before going for a cigarette - you will likely find you don't actually need one, DON'T GIVE UP!

    -Good luck
    *disclaimer: sorry this post was so long but I really hope it was useful.
  • ninjapops
    ninjapops Posts: 5 Member
    Once upon a time smoker here, I cut down to smoking about 1 cig a day before quitting altogether, luckily I became disgusted with the smell on me which was a big motivator. My advice would be to not hang around people smoking initially during the 1st couple of weeks of stopping, and not going out drinking, being in a bar environment seems to be a major trigger.
    It's really cool that you want to stop congrats! Your body will thank you! :)
  • arrseegee
    arrseegee Posts: 575 Member
    Most studies about smoking suggest it takes on average seven tries to quit. Many smokers find they can last for longer with each try, and eventually can kick it altogether. You can increase your likelihood of successfully quitting by using nicotine replacement therapies, e.g. patches, gums, e-cigarettes. This is at odds with the Alan Carr method which basically recommends going cold turkey, but if that doesn't work for you then NRT is another good option.

    Nicotine on its own isn't dangerous, although it does have a small effect on your metabolism. Even if you can swap smoking for an e-cigarette that contains nicotine you will do your lungs and the rest of your body a world of good. The nasty stuff in cigarettes is all the components they add in to make them more addictive, burn faster, taste better etc.

    I used to work on a government stop-smoking programme that focussed just on patches and gum, but having seen my boyfriend's success quitting a year ago with the aid of an e-cigarette I would highly suggest getting something like that. He was smoking 1.5 packets a day and has had a total of 10 cigarettes since switching to the e-cig, and he avoided all the cravings that usually come when you go cold turkey.

    If you can aggord it (or your insurance supports it?) then see if you can get some quit counselling. It further increases your chance of being successful.
  • beachgod
    beachgod Posts: 567 Member
    I've quit and relapsed a few times and have tried cold turkey, Wellbutrin and other methods. This last time I quit on 6/9/2008. I used patches to help. Remembering the date, time and where I was when I quit has been helpful for me, too. The fact cigs were 35¢ a pack when I started and over $3.00 when I quit (over $5.00 now) is a powerful motivator as well.
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    I quit six weeks ago (again) and did it with an e-cig. I carried it around in my pocket and every time I had a THOUGHT about smoking I took a puff. The thoughts gradually went away, until one day I realized I hadn't puffed at all. I've quit a few times in the past, and this was the easiest.

    It feels SO GOOD to breathe deeply.
  • tanya203
    tanya203 Posts: 19 Member
    Just another poster who quit with an e-cig.

    My quit date was 9-10-11, been free and clear since.

    If traditional methods fail you then an e-cig might be worth at least exploring the idea of. My tip is stay away from cig-look-alikes if you're a more moderate or heavy smoker trying to kick the habit. I can only imagine they work for light smokers, or people who don't know better that much more efficient technology exists.

    A good over-all site=

    It's surreal that I ever smoked now, and in the same way surreal I was actually able to stop! For me, e-cigs where the last option. I loved the habit itself, so patches, gum,I cold turkey, didn't work. It didn't help address the actual ritual of use issues I had. I am very thankful for this technology. As a bonus, it helps to make cigarettes taste downright awful.
  • thevoice1973
    thevoice1973 Posts: 55 Member
    I want to second the recommendation of Allan Carr's Easyway book. You can get it for really cheap used on amazon. This helped me quit after two previous failed attempts and I've been without tobacco for over two years. I've been in all the situations where I'd formerly have been smoking without feeling tempted. I know two other people who were much heavier smokers than me who quit with this book and have stayed quit. Good luck!

    Completely second this ^^

    I have been cigarette free for almost one and a half years. I used to smoke a pack a day for twenty years! Read the book, then realize how easy it actually is; you will keep wishing you had done it sooner!
  • OllyReeves
    OllyReeves Posts: 579 Member
    It's the hardest thing for me. Everything else I can do without, but giving up the *kitten* is proving so hard.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    ive been chewing nicorette
    wait for it......

    8 years.

    It definitely works but now i'm addicted to that.

    and its expensive. lol
  • mikeschratz
    mikeschratz Posts: 253 Member
    I am on day 39.... I had to make up my mind that smoking doesn't have any value in my life anymore.... It took some time... and I gained about 12 pounds in 40 days... but I am now losing what I gained, the obsession is no longer there, or at least manageable. I still think about it, but I replace smoking with another thought as soon as I catch myself romancing a smoke.....
    It is a hard thing to do, but it has been well worth it so far...
    and the spousal unit likes swapping spit a lot more....

    Have a good one...
  • ejdp254
    ejdp254 Posts: 342 Member
    i gave up smoking cigarettes a year a go . I have tried patches , inhalers, sprays , gum (ended up more addicted to that!) Finally tried a e-cig last march as we were going skiing and i didn't want to be wheezing up and down slopes at high altitude, plus no-one i was going with smoked. Once you get used to it it's great, no smell and so much cheaper. However realised recently that i was of coarse still addicted and the kind we have you cannot reduce the strength of the cartridges so after a friend bought a Vapour cig after being impressed with my not smoking real cigs i thought i'd try that. I bought one last week for £14 + 2 bottles of liquid for £6 which i'm not yet half way through and have reduced from 18mg to 9mg and i will drop to 5mg at the weekend.
    I see this as a way to wean sensibly and be in control, so far i love it!
  • grumpyldo
    I quit 12 years ago. Quit smoking and chewing tobacco both at the same time. Eating then became an issue, but learned real quick that sugar free candy was a big help.
    My inspiration was the fact that I needed to get healthy and stopping smoking may have not been the best for my weight at the moment, but it was/is better for my lungs and long term health.

    It HAS to be about you and you wanting to quit!!
    Good luck!!
  • Micha121
    Hey i'm in the same boat as yourself...i have been smoking for around 5 yrs and have cut down from 15 a day to 2-3 a day...i also use an ecig which are great! I would defo recommend it!

    I do have relapses too but just pick myself up! Add me if you'd like i need some inspiration too :-D xx
  • Devasation
    Devasation Posts: 145 Member
    Smoked from the age of 18 through the age of 27 (pack a day habit, Marlboro Reds). I quit cold turkey on August 27, 2007 (about 6 1/2 years ago), and have not smoked since. No patches, pills, or e-cigarettes.

    Just came down to willpower...and lots of sugar free gum.
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    My tip is stay away from cig-look-alikes if you're a more moderate or heavy smoker trying to kick the habit. I can only imagine they work for light smokers, or people who don't know better that much more efficient technology exists.

    This is going to be one of those personal opinion things. When I tried the pen-type e-cigs, I hated them. They didn't FEEL right, they didn't suck right, they didn't taste right. I wanted my cigarettes and I wanted them bad. Those other kind were too heavy, didn't hold right in my fingers. The only thing they contributed towards my smoking habit was some nicotine. When I quit for good, it was using a Swisher Natural which looked, felt, sucked like a real cigarette and truly did replace them for me. The taste was more like a low-quality, basic type cigarette which worked out well for me because I didn't want to enjoy them so much that I continued those, too. I used them for under a month and put it all down for good.

    Find what works for you and go for it!
  • Monty_P
    Monty_P Posts: 62 Member
    I need to quit smoking. :sad:
    ... what's really awful is that I have asthma too.

    Might look into these e-cig things.
  • whitehaze
    whitehaze Posts: 13 Member
    I smoked around 3/4 of a pack a day for 22 years. I have now been quit for 2 years but it was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. It took me trying to quit 3 times before it finally stuck. What was even more difficult is my wife was still smoking and had no desire to quit w/ me. For me exercising is what helped me finally quit for good. About a year before quiting I got into cycling and knew if I wanted to get better I would have to quit, but I was also afraid of gaining a lot of weight. What I did was put my bike on the trainer after every ride so whenever I felt that need to smoke, I would go get on the trainer for 30 minutes. It really helped mentally to get over that craving. Another positive is I lost some weight while quitting. But the best thing is after being quit for 6 months, my wife quit also. Best of luck and remember if you fall off the horse, dust yourself off and get back on.