group for weight loss journey 2014 is the year! :)


I am Maryah and I want to lose 60lbs in total. I have had some adverse issues with my health that have caused me to have a sedentary lifestyle while rehabbing. Now that I am feeling better I really want to get back in shape not just for superficial reason but to feel healthy again. When you have been as sick as I have been it gets draining to constantly feel ill, unhealthy, and out of shape. It's 2014 and I am ready to get my health back. Please add me if you are willing to keep me accountable for eating healthy and are motivated like me for 2014 to be the year!



  • alwayshopes2013
    alwayshopes2013 Posts: 3 Member
    I am Jessica and I would like to lose about a hundred (wow, really? yikes!) lbs, I would like to know more about how an accountability partner system would work out. I have a busy life and a number of excuses for my weight gain, I also have tons of seemingly motivating factors to lose weight-- but none of them seem to be especially motivating to me.