would this work?

curious... how effective would it be to cycle through weight loss plans, e.g 1 day calorie counting, 1 day slimming wotld, 1 day low carb and repeat? I feel they may kind of cancel eachother out.. but it would be great if it worked! opinions?


  • If it keeps you interested/motivated then it will work. If it confuses you and your goals by providing unnecessary complexity then it wont. Give it a go and find out I guess?

    Cheers, Mike.
  • humidex8
    humidex8 Posts: 24 Member
    cheers Mike, i think I will. i lost 40lb calorie counting, but i dont know where that motivation/willpower went...
  • Fair play to you! Don't worry everyone goes through that cycle. The most difficult thing is when you achieve a goal - If you don't set a new one most people relapse - in fact most people relapse anyway!

    Just keep working hard and enjoy the benefits!

    Let me know if you have any questions etc

    Cheers, Mike.