Depressed about injury/upcoming surgery...

This is half a rant and half me asking for advice...

Back in May I was injured at work, I had apparently developed a baker's cyst at work and it ruptured. I work in a factory on my feet all day long lifting parts, pivoting, etc so this was obviously a debilitating problem. I remained at work though; my knee and leg would swell up every week and become extremely painful. However, walking distances seemed to help and would reduce the swelling. I would go to the gym, turn up the incline, and walk slowly. I also did machine weights (no lower body) and I lost weight. I was happy and motivated.

A few weeks ago, my knee locked up and gave out on the stairs at work and I caught myself on my ankle (opposite of knee injury) to keep from tumbling and severely sprained it. I haven't been able to work out since then, or go to work, and the weight has come back on. I've finally been approved for knee surgery for the end of this month, which I’m happy about finally getting done. However, this is another 6-8 weeks of hobbling around like a 90 year old woman...

I'm the type of person that does best being active while eating healthy, not just one or the other. Any suggestions for physical activity while I’m recovering? Anyone with similar experience? Thanks!!!


  • dcturcotte
    First off, sorry to hear about your injury.

    Having a similar personality and having undergone surgery on my rotator cuff a few years ago leaving me in a sling for 6 weeks I understand your frustration. The best advice as to what kind of physical activity you should and can undertake will come from your doctor
  • travelgirl09
    travelgirl09 Posts: 151 Member
    If you have access to a pool, swimming is great. There is a lot of equipment for swimming that allows you to use just your upper body or lower, whichever you want to work. This might give you a good upper body workout, a great cardio workout and you can use your legs as you can.

    Just a thought. Good luck.
  • kpopa
    kpopa Posts: 515 Member
    Sorry to hear about your injury! I had knee surgery awhile back...I was out of work for almost 2 months and pretty much had to stay on the couch. Your doctor will give you some exercises to do within your capabilities...if he/she doesn't then PLEASE ask as if you try to do anything that you're not supposed to you could cause more injury!! :sad:

    So, my suggestion, when you feel up to it, is using some light weights, work your upper body. Focus on eating well and not just because-you're-bored-food and drink a TON of water! Again, from experience, you won't feel like doing much for those first few weeks. Remember to take it slow, keep talking to your doctor about your mobility and stay focused on getting yourself BETTER before you work too much on losing weight! :flowerforyou:

    Good Luck!!!!

  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    I have a foot surgery coming up in December (my third)
    I was planning on getting a boxing routine to do. Sitting, boxing routine.
    It will still get my heart rate up there for cardio and keep my arms and back in good shape.
    I was also planning on doing any mat work that I can stand to do depending on the pain.
    Ask your doc too. He/she might have some suggestions, if not, I'm sure you'll be in PT and they will be able to suggest some exercises for you too.
  • maurierose
    maurierose Posts: 574 Member
    Ask for a wheelchair with rocker wheels (so you don't worry about tipping), get yourself a great pair of gloves, proper use instructions so you don't strain any joints/muscles, and find long, smooth, stretches of sidewalk..... you can really give yourself a great cardio workout with a wheelchair!!! :smile: :flowerforyou:

    Hope your surgery goes well, and that you're back to feeling great again soon!
  • tater8589
    After surgery you should go into physical therapy, they (as well as your dr) should give you some things you can do without causing more injury. You may also look into low impact workouts, maybe even yoga. Good luck. :)