BF% Change/Skinfolds

I get my body fat tested at the Campus Rec center and they use skinfold calipers. Toward the end of last semester, maybe late November/early December, I went and once they told me 30% but I think that was a mistake because when I got other readings they were 18.7% and 19.3%. I'm guessing someone just misused the calipers that other time? Does that happen a lot? Are skinfolds even accurate?

So I just went again today. The time in between I didn't eat all that well and I stopped working out basically while I was home for the winter break. I got back to the gym about two weeks ago and started tracking my eating again. Today they told me my BF was 26.6%. Can it really make that much of a change in 8 weeks? I gained about 5 pounds so I did expect the number to go up...

Final question: is it going to go back down as quickly? Last semester I just kind of went to the gym and did what felt appropriate and didn't track my food, but I just started NROL4W and I'm eating a 200-calorie deficit with a high protein goal, so I imagine I would see faster results...?