How Do I begin Strength Training?

So right now I have been doing good working out for the last 16 days a half hour each day on the Tony Little Gazelle Freestyle glider.
And I have lost weight, but I am in need of doing some strength training and muscle forming. Any beginning hints would be great.


  • CC_Maam
    CC_Maam Posts: 45 Member
    IF you have the opportunity/ability - check with your Dr and then look at finding a personal coach - you might team with a couple of friends to make it more affordable or check with a local gym and join for a month - sometimes the coach is 'included' for setting up a routine. Sometimes it can be something you can do at home. OR if you have a YMCA by you - depends on where you live - the rates are pretty affordable and don't have contracts the way several gyms do ... about $30-$35 a month with a coach (or at least ours does). They take the time to actually address your personal needs, body/medical issues as well as design a plan for your goals.

    Seldom does a forum do that ... though it is good to get ideas to contemplate but a personal coach is a great start to get you on target. I think it is well worth it if you are on a long term quest for personal fitness.


  • DrWhoodles
    DrWhoodles Posts: 145 Member
    Personally I really like the book Anatomy of Strength Training because it does a fairly good job of showing the exercises and exactly what muscles you are working. There's also good option for doing body weight exercises which are nice because you don't need to buy anything else.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Buy and read Starting Strength
  • violetsue
    violetsue Posts: 54 Member
    Check out Nerd Fitness.
  • skoobygeek
    skoobygeek Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you so much for quick response. It is nice to have a group like this to motivate. I am addicted to the glider and want to be addicted to strength training.
  • skoobygeek
    skoobygeek Posts: 6 Member
    who is the author?
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    who is the author?

    If you're asking about Starting Strength, the author is Mark Rippetoe