Take a moment to think about that fast food urge.

Mepheston Posts: 38 Member
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
Putting in into perspective for a 2000 calorie diet.

Let's say you decided to have a Big Mac, Medium Fries, and a Medium Coke for lunch, here's the breakdown.
Total Calories - 1130
Total Fat - 48
Total Protien - 29
Total Fiber - 8

Folks that's just for ONE meal and you ate more than 1/2 your daily calories.

Now let's look at "almost" an entire day's worth of calories on a 2000 cal diet for someone eating healthy.

Protien Shake made with Skim Milk
2 Slices Nature's Own Whole Grain Bread
1/2 Cup Fat Free Cottage cheese
1 Tbsp I can't believe it's not butter Mediterranean Blend w/Olive Oil

Snack 1
Protien Shake made with cold water
Light Raspberry Yougart

8oz Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast
Broccoli + Carrots
Wild Rice/Brown Rice Mix

Snack 2
Sugar Free Jello
100 Calorie toasted Cheese/PB crackers
No Sugar Added Peach Cup

Total Calories: 1436
Total Fat - 33
Total Protein - 134
Total Fiber - 18

AND you still have 564 calories to split between dinner and another snack.

Yes, this is based on my own diet and that is today's menu thus far as I plan in advance, except for dinner which is homemade so I figure it out when I get home at night. :-) But I hope this helps to make someone stop for a minute and really think about that fast food decision.


  • ymamyma
    ymamyma Posts: 227
    :flowerforyou: Always a good reminder. Thanks, for this.
  • I hate to see people Order MCD Fries for a baby/toddler.
    Those Fries have Beef Fat loaded into them!!
    Trust me I know, my hubby works for mccain foods. They make fries for most all the fast food!!
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    and , then can you imagine what all that grease, cholesterol, and salts do to your heart, your veins, your brain, your liver, and blood pressure

    thanks for a great wake up call, I watched The Doctors and they had a segement about fast food, and it was great...Lloyd
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Cool, but you left out the second and for some the first most important stat...SODIUM Intake. On the documentary "Super Size Me" the reason the guy became ill/almost died from eating at McDonald's for 30 in a row (even the so-called healthy choices) was because of the Excess Sodium Intake. The Gov't standard for daily sodium intake is 1800 mg per day even though the labeling has not changed yet. So the sodium intake for that ONE McD meal would be about 1400 mg of sodium, Over half of the labeled 2500mg daily allotment and nearly all of the daily allotment for the 1800mg. Be Well, Live Well
  • Very eye-opening.

    I occasionally give into the fast food craving, but I 'shift' calories to do it. Eat less for the other two meals, and usually, I get the Big Mac ONLY (no fries or soda) or whatever burger I'm wanting.

    It tastes great, then I feel like *kitten* afterwards...and don't want it again for a while!
  • You gotta give in every once in a while. Once in a blue moon is fine.
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