6.0 incline walking at 3.1 3.3 effective

i wanted to ramp up my cardio intensity but i cant walk at a fast pace just yet at my weight so i was wondering with walking at a slow pace at a decent incline for 45 minutes get me extra calrorie burn and fat loss

thanks for the help


  • Adding an incline should burn more calories than walking flat. Also try walking fast just in intervals. Maybe start just walking fast for 15 seconds then slower for a minute for recovery.
  • fitfoutch
    fitfoutch Posts: 25 Member
    Walking at an incline will burn more calories than flat ground, about 12% more calories per mile walked for a 150 lb person. A moderate pace and incline is a great way to build endurance and prepare for speed increases.

    The thing you need to be aware of is hanging onto the handle bars. I see women on the treadmill all the time doing this, jack the incline up to 10% and then hang on the whole time. If you need to hang on, the incline is too high for you right now. Its one thing to hang on to take a drink, or steady yourself if you stumble, but holding on for the duration is not productive.