Short and frustrated

Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Anyone else like me? I'm 5'0 and weigh 115. I know to most this may not seem like a lot but you don't see me naked. I'm trying to get down under 110, where I am comfortable, and I'm unbelievably frustrated. I don't know how to diet. I have been on diets before that have worked, however it's so hard to stay under the calories that I'm allowed for my height. I've been devoted to counting my calories for over 2 months and I've only lost 2 lbs. I try to keep them right at 1000 and I started the gym a month ago this week. I mainly do step classes but am trying to get into a couple of body sculpting classes but I see no results on the scale nor do I feel it in my clothes. I'm not saying I don't feel better or there haven't been any results but they seem so little with all of the work. I don't know what to do anymore and I'm tired of working so hard and not feeling or seeing anything. I feel like I'm going to be counting calories forever.

What am I doing wrong and what can I do to help get over this lump. Would a nutritionist help? If so, where are they?


  • rockinmomto3
    rockinmomto3 Posts: 97 Member
    You need at LEAST 1200 calories per day. If you think a nutritionist will help, google for one in your area. And you shouldn't think of it as a diet...just eat healthy. Lots of veggies, lean meat, and seafood.
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    I could offer two opinions on this:
    1) and you will get this from probably everyone on this site: you may (and I say this with extreme hesitation) not be eating enough. If you're athletic and working out very hard, you may need to eat more. If you are doing, say, stretching and some light weights 3 times a week, this is probably not the case.
    2) you are very close to your "goal weight". 5 lbs is nothing! It may take a while for that to come off. Just keep working. You have seen some weight come off, so you're doing something right, and it's slow enough that it makes me believe that it's just that you need to hang in there and keep up the hard work.

    good luck!
  • kendra1976
    kendra1976 Posts: 90 Member
    I would be eating no less than 1200 calories a day. Eating less than 1200 does not mean you will lose more, it can actually send your body into starvation mode.
    I am not sure what you are eating, but are you eating whole grains, lean meats, etc? Are you drinking plenty of water?

    BTW, I am 5'0 tall but I am 163 pounds.
  • I feel your pain....I'm 5'2" and about 120 lbs. Would like to see 115 but keep loosing and regaining the same 2 lbs over and over again.

    I agree with other posters, you must eat at least 1200 cals.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    You may not be eating enough. I checked, and someone of your height and weight has a BMR of about 1200 (maybe slightly less). Assuming you don't lie in bed all day, you'll burn more than that without any exercise - probably 1400-1500 cals/day. Depending on how heavily you exercise, you may be burning upwards of 2000 cal/day. If you're only eating 1,000, that means you're probably giving yourself a deficit of anywhere from 800-1000/day. Since you don't have a lot of weight to lose, it's unrealistic for you to expect to lose weight quickly.

    I would recommend you enter all your info into MFP and set your weight loss goal at 1/2 a pound a week. Then, eat the goal that MFP gives you, plus at least half your exercise calories (I aim for 50-75% of mine). This will keep you at a healthy deficit level and make sure you're getting enough nutrients. Quality of food is just as important as quantity - make sure you're eating lots of fresh fruits/veggies, lean meats, nuts, beans, etc.

    Yes, your weight loss WILL be slow, but you just have to keep eating right and exercising. You may want to focus more on shape and measurements (if you don't already) rather than what the scale says.
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    2 months is really not a long time, stick with it, and don't get discouraged.. it takes time, especially when you don't have a lot to loose....good luck:flowerforyou:
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    It really bent my mind when I first realized it . . . but you must EAT MORE to LOSE MORE. Im only 5'4" and have to have at least 1250-1300 calories per day if I miss my workout. If I do get my workout in I have to consume about 1400 or the scale just doesn't move.
    Be VERY strict with yourself for 2 weeks, eat only healthy food, track every morsel and make sure to get in more calories . . . Im sure you will be very surprised at your results.
    Since I started eating more (of only "clean" food) and gotten in the above amounts of calories I've steadily lost each week.
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Honestly, I think 2 lbs in 2 months is great considering the amount of weight you have to lose. I was playing around with BMR the other day and noticed that right near my goal weight (of 130... I'm 5'1") my BMR is just about the minimum 1200 calories. That means whenever I get to that point I will be really needing to bump up the exercise in order to lose any weight.

    That is what I'd recommend for you too. Eat around 1200, and bump up the exercise. Eat back some of those exercise calories too, depending on how much you are exercising. I second the recommendation to set your settings to .5 pounds a week... though I'm pretty sure that is going to land you right around 1200 calories regardless.
  • I'm in the same boat as you: 5'3 and 130 pounds. I'd like to be 120, but I'm not going to be paying attention to the scale. When my thighs slim down and I feel stronger than I'll know I accomplished what I set out too. It's possible that if I am doing some strength training then I won't reach 120 pounds before I start feeling slimmer, and that may be the case for you too! Keep your chin up, make sure you are eating right, and you'll get there :)
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    Thanks everyone for the posts. I feel so frustrated.

    I did change my goal from custom and it does say 1200 so I will try to stick to that and see what happens. I have added vegetables and fruits to my diet and have cut all of the junk out. I've never eatten at home so much in my life. :) I am not a fish eater so being creative w dinners and lean meats is tough for me. I'm not a cook and I have 2 boys and a healthy hubby at home that need the calories. It's hard to plan for me and then them and not cheat with their meals.

    My work outs are not intense. I should have mentioned that and I do increase my calorie intake on those days. Based on what I do, I burn about 200 - 300 calories a workoutso those days help.

    I'm often really hungry at 3. Anyone else hit a wall at that time? What is a good snack to have? I usually have a mid morning fruit snack and a mid afternoon fruit snack but that doesn't seem to cut it in the afternoon.

    Also, anyone have an opinion on lean cuisine? They seem to work for me for lunch but I hear the sodium isn't good. I know nothing about this stuff so I'm clueless on packing a healthy lunch.

  • First - the 1200 cals is a good recommendation, I can't add anything there.

    FWIW, I'd bet a large sum of money that you look much better naked to any potential partner than you think you do. We (as humans) tend to be our own worst critics, and from my male perspective, most women, fat, thin, whatever, look much better than they think they do.
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    Thats what my husband says!!! lol

    I'm my worst critic though and although he is extremely complimentary every minute of the day...that's just not how I feel. I have to be the one to feel good.
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    I haven't this week, but the mid-afternoon snack is always when I crave something sugary and sweet (like candy or chocolate).
    I've been making those sugar-free pudding packets and taking a serving with me to work to have mid-afternoon. It really helps kick that sweet craving.
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    Thanks everyone for the posts. I feel so frustrated.

    I did change my goal from custom and it does say 1200 so I will try to stick to that and see what happens. I have added vegetables and fruits to my diet and have cut all of the junk out. I've never eatten at home so much in my life. :) I am not a fish eater so being creative w dinners and lean meats is tough for me. I'm not a cook and I have 2 boys and a healthy hubby at home that need the calories. It's hard to plan for me and then them and not cheat with their meals.

    My work outs are not intense. I should have mentioned that and I do increase my calorie intake on those days. Based on what I do, I burn about 200 - 300 calories a workoutso those days help.

    I'm often really hungry at 3. Anyone else hit a wall at that time? What is a good snack to have? I usually have a mid morning fruit snack and a mid afternoon fruit snack but that doesn't seem to cut it in the afternoon.

    Also, anyone have an opinion on lean cuisine? They seem to work for me for lunch but I hear the sodium isn't good. I know nothing about this stuff so I'm clueless on packing a healthy lunch.


    I stay away from any of those microwave dinner/lunch things, WAY to much sodium...for lunch I normally have either a slice of whole wheat bread with peanut butter and some grapes, or a salmon cup with saltines....but just try to pack healthy, fresh fruits, maybe some carrots, an apple (anything like apples that have fiber will help you feel full longer), I always drink almond milk with just have to find the balance that works for you....
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member

    I did change my goal from custom and it does say 1200 so I will try to stick to that and see what happens. I have added vegetables and fruits to my diet and have cut all of the junk out. I've never eatten at home so much in my life. :) I am not a fish eater so being creative w dinners and lean meats is tough for me. I'm not a cook and I have 2 boys and a healthy hubby at home that need the calories. It's hard to plan for me and then them and not cheat with their meals.

    First of all, I wouldn't be cooking two meals! :) I have a husband who is healthier than me (well, weight-wise) and a little boy at home who needs every calorie he will eat! I cook healthy meals... and I work occasional splurges into our meal plan. I figure that eating healthier is something we *all* need to be doing, and if I do separate meals for me it is too easy to look at these changes as a temporary fix. I'll usually serve dh more than I serve myself and offer my little boy tons of healthy options through the day. You are welcome to check out my food diary for ideas... I know some of the dinners may be a little higher than you need right now but you can modify some of them pretty easily too (cut back on pasta, cheese, etc.). We don't do a lot of fish but do try to eat a lot of chicken, ground turkey, lowfat ground beef. I'm trying to work some more meat-free meals in there too.

    My work outs are not intense. I should have mentioned that and I do increase my calorie intake on those days. Based on what I do, I burn about 200 - 300 calories a workoutso those days help.

    I'm often really hungry at 3. Anyone else hit a wall at that time? What is a good snack to have? I usually have a mid morning fruit snack and a mid afternoon fruit snack but that doesn't seem to cut it in the afternoon.

    I get hungry around that time too. I find that getting some protein in with the carbs (usually fruit here too) helps out a lot. Eat some peanut butter or low fat cheese (I usually do either cottage cheese or 2% cheddar) along with the fruit and see if that helps. Canned tuna is a good low calorie, high protein snack as well... but a little high on sodium if you are watching sodium.

    Also, anyone have an opinion on lean cuisine? They seem to work for me for lunch but I hear the sodium isn't good. I know nothing about this stuff so I'm clueless on packing a healthy lunch.


    I think those meals are convenient but that you can pack a lunch with more food and far less sodium. Easy lunch options: salad (top with chicken, tuna, or do a taco salad with no chips), tuna or peanut butter on whole wheat, leftovers from dinner. Fresh fruit or veggies, string cheese, nuts for sides/snacks. When I used to take frozen meals to work for the convenience factor I would at least try to throw in some extra vegetables or a piece of fruit with it.

    Hope that helps a little! :)
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    I'm sorry you are feeling so frustrated.
    I am not a fish eater so being creative w dinners and lean meats is tough for me. I'm not a cook and I have 2 boys and a healthy hubby at home that need the calories. It's hard to plan for me and then them and not cheat with their meals.

    I'm not a fish eater or a cook either. So I get a thing of Trader Joe's Frozen Chicken Breasts(other stores have them too). I put them in the crock pot with water and seasoning or spaghetti sauce once a week, cook them overnight. Pull the breasts and put them in a container in the frig and dup the left over sauce (unless it can be saved). Then I can eat a chicken breast with everything all week and I have chicken cooked and ready for my boyfriend. You could do the same thing with some lean beef or turkey.
    I'm often really hungry at 3. Anyone else hit a wall at that time? What is a good snack to have? I usually have a mid morning fruit snack and a mid afternoon fruit snack but that doesn't seem to cut it in the afternoon.

    I like a hard boiled egg (70-80cals). The combo of protein and fat keeps me happy longer in the afternoon than fruit, if I'm feeling really hungry. Or I do fruit and a little cheese (120-160 cals).
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    Ok so I increased my calories the past 3 days and my clothes are tight again. UGH. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I didn't go to the gym this week due to being sick and trying to get the house ready for my sons bday party this weekend.
  • dgroulx
    dgroulx Posts: 159 Member
    You need to go to a web site that gives you your true BMR. The one on this site does not go below 1,200 per day. That is due to legal requirements, not because it is bad to eat under 1,200 calories. A non-diet site can tell you the truth. Starvation mode is defined as eating 50% or less of your basal caloric requirements for a sustained period (weeks). Your BMR at 5 feet is about 1,100 calories. For starvation mode to occur, you would need to eat less than 550 calories per day for a few weeks. That is when your body thinks it is truly starving. Even then, your metabolic rate will slow but will not stop. You will still lose weight.

    To lose one pound per week, you would need to eat 500 calories per day under your daily requirements. Since you are petite, you already eat a low amount of calories. You won't be able to cut your diet by that many calories. Your weight loss will be slower. Yes, it sucks to be short. I'm 5'2" and when I get down to my goal weight, I will have to keep my calories down to no more than 1,200 per day.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    You need to go to a web site that gives you your true BMR. The one on this site does not go below 1,200 per day. That is due to legal requirements, not because it is bad to eat under 1,200 calories. A non-diet site can tell you the truth. Starvation mode is defined as eating 50% or less of your basal caloric requirements for a sustained period (weeks). Your BMR at 5 feet is about 1,100 calories. For starvation mode to occur, you would need to eat less than 550 calories per day for a few weeks. That is when your body thinks it is truly starving. Even then, your metabolic rate will slow but will not stop. You will still lose weight.

    To lose one pound per week, you would need to eat 500 calories per day under your daily requirements. Since you are petite, you already eat a low amount of calories. You won't be able to cut your diet by that many calories. Your weight loss will be slower. Yes, it sucks to be short. I'm 5'2" and when I get down to my goal weight, I will have to keep my calories down to no more than 1,200 per day.

    have to say that i agree with this as well. it is crazy to me that so many people think 1200 is a magic number to not fall under, and that it has nothing to do with weight or height. really? our body is into even and perfect numbers(1200), not 1235 or 1304? 1199 is too few calories and starts 'starvation' regardless of whether you are 6 foot or 5 foot?

    i don't think so.

    anyway, i feel your pain. i'm 4'11.5" and weigh 128; i am trying to get to 113. my dietician has me on 1288 calories and does not want me eating back exercise calories. the first four months of logging my food, i lost a pound a month as well. i am losing at a faster pace now, but i also liquid fast 1-2 days a week (600-900 calories). the best advice i have received is to make sure i am eating protien with everything, especially breakfast. i eat bacon virtually everyday. feel free to stop by my blog and see what we eat for supper. it might give you some meal ideas. obviously, i eat less (portion-size) than my hubby and two boys, but we all get the same thing.

    it may seem like no progress is being made but continue to stick with it! you will be at your goal in three measly months. just think, even at this rate, you will look slimmer and more toned by thanksgiving or the very latest, christmas. :) in fact, you will probably start to notice the difference around halloween. you can do it.
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