continued sweating after workout ( Insanity)

Anyone else sweat for ages after they've worked out? I find insanity makes me sweat for about an hour after i workout. Anyone else?


  • I googled the reason for this.

    To keep your body temperature from rising too high, your heart pumps large amounts of heat in the blood from your hot muscles to your skin and you sweat. The sweat evaporates and cools your body. The amount of sweat that your body produces depends on the temperature of the blood that flows through your brain. When the temperature of the blood rises, you sweat more. During exercise, your heart beats rapidly to pump blood to bring oxygen to your muscles and to pump the hot blood from the muscles to the skin where the heat can be dissipated. When you stop exercising, your heart slows down also, pumping less blood to the skin. The heat accumulates in your muscles, causing blood temperature to rise higher, so you sweat more right after you finish exercising than during exercise.
  • I sweat like crazy, I used to wrestle competitively and could easily sweat out 10 lbs in a 2 hr practice, no joke. When I work out I can sweat for at least an hour after. its normal. you raise your body temp and it takes a while to come back down.