25 days in and counting

Hello All

Ive been using the app on iphone 25 days now and it is the first app that i have found that is keeping me motivated and addicted to losing the weight i want and to get healthier

It is really helping with portion control and its great to see how im doing each day with the calorie count to make sure i stay under and stay in the green.

Also its my hello from South Wales, UK.


  • NapsAndNachos
    I'm on my fourth day, but I'm addicted to the barcode scanner :-) Every time I feel like it's the greatest thing ever! The downside is that it makes me want to eat prepackaged foods...
  • andyluvv
    andyluvv Posts: 281 Member
    Hey Welcome!

    RESIST the pre packaged stuff :P
    You can do the maths yourself with kitchen scales to control your portions - that's what I do.

    I tend to only have pre packaged meals if I'm out or days that I'm too lazy to cook.
    My diet tends to be a protein shake in the morning with some food (eggs usually!)
    A bit of oats
    Lunch is usually meat and a salad - all measured and weighed
    Something a bit light and filling for a snack (celery is quite good and filling!)
    Dinner would be the lunch veggies leftovers and some more meat :D
  • frodopuppy
    Hello from the states 40 days and counting and I'm hooked too, keep up the good work, this site is awesome so much good info, learning something new everyday. Keeps me motivated to get healthy
  • NapsAndNachos
    Hey Welcome!

    RESIST the pre packaged stuff :P
    You can do the maths yourself with kitchen scales to control your portions - that's what I do.

    I tend to only have pre packaged meals if I'm out or days that I'm too lazy to cook.
    My diet tends to be a protein shake in the morning with some food (eggs usually!)
    A bit of oats
    Lunch is usually meat and a salad - all measured and weighed
    Something a bit light and filling for a snack (celery is quite good and filling!)
    Dinner would be the lunch veggies leftovers and some more meat :D

    But but but...it's too much fun to use the scanner! :-) I haven't used MFP before, since the database is based on USDA database and I'm not American, so it was really frustrating to find the right kind of minced meat, etc. Now I'm just surprised every time it finds the right food with the scanner!

    I know what I should eat. I just choose to have a bit of fun first :-)
  • Junctionbox
    Junctionbox Posts: 47 Member
    Get a windows phone, not only does the scanner not work, the app cr@ps out after a day or two. On the plus side, it has helped me make more of an effort to eat fresh grub! I hope the storms in South Wales haven't affected you too badly.
  • daveparish
    daveparish Posts: 3 Member
    I'm Dave and live in Cape Cod. I originally used Weight Watchers online for about 1 year and lost 40 lbs.

    Then I realized I really needed and wanted to build muscle and to get into top shape... so I joined a gym and my trainer gave me a diet to follow with a higher percentage of protein. I found myself gaining weight (about 15 lbs) but it was muscle and fat weight... my trainer advised me to track what I ate because maybe I wasn't getting enough protein.

    A week ago I downloaded myfitnesspal and love it! I can track the percentages of protein, carbs and fat along with the calories. I discovered that I wasn't eating enough protein or fat... go figure! Just completed the 1st week and lost 4.2 lbs which I think is mostly fat!

    Would like the app to show how much weight lost each week and line only connect to days you track not a straight line every day where you don't check in but overall the app is terrific!