Running Questions

I am new to running on the treadmill ( Started around a month and a half ago) and have a few questions for you guys that have been doing it for way longer than I have. I noticed yesterday a woman around my age (early 20's), and noticed she had her incline set a 6.5 and and her speed between 6-8mph. She ended up running with that same incline for 3 miles, and did that in 27 minutes. That is 9 minute miles WITH the incline.

I know I am just starting out and have a lot of training to do to be a better runner, but here are a few questions for you guys that run marathons and that sort of thing.

1) Do you eventually just build up so much stamina/endurance that you can run for MILES without fatiguing?

2) When do you actually start losing juice (Or is it the whole time, yet your body allows you to keep going?)

My fastest mile without the incline is 9 minutes. That is pretty fast FOR ME and I am happy with it, but it was a little disappointing seeing someone else do it with a crazy incline doing 9 minutes miles consecutively. I can also run for a mile and a half tops before I am dead and have to stop. It just amazes me how people can keep going and going.



  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    1) Yes. And that's accomplished by many slow miles over time.

    2) Losing juice (or glycogen, w/e) varies from person to person. I lose it after 2.5hrs running, but to the extent of impaired speed, not the ability to "run."

    When you can, run outside and see what your mile time really is.
  • mattbirchfield
    mattbirchfield Posts: 26 Member

    The important thing to remember is that your have only been running about a month and a half. It may have taken her years to get to where she is today. So, don't compare your self to other people like that. Instead, use them as a goal to eventually reach. As far as losing juice, everyone has their own wall, but I am working on running a half marathon in March, and I usually start taking gu or something like that about the 4-5 mile point, then one each mile to keep my glycogen up so I wont crash.

  • LeGaCyGiAnT124
    LeGaCyGiAnT124 Posts: 158 Member
    Do you guys think the treadmill is easier/harder than running outside?

    Wont be able to run outside ATLEAST for a few weeks. Still snow everywhere and too cold. I can't handle running in the cold. It hurts my chest way too bad.

    How long have you guys been running for?
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    First rule of running for beginners, never compare yourself to another runner. Your life will be so much easier that way.

    1) yes, usually. The more miles you run, the better you'll get at building endruance. But you want to keep it easy miles. Killing yourself running hard every run, burns you out and runs a higher risk of injury. Lots of factors will play into how quickly you build endurance.

    2) See above. The more you run, and get accustomed to running the easier it gets to run longer.

    A big tip to be able to run longer, is run slower. Too many beginners run too fast.
  • LeGaCyGiAnT124
    LeGaCyGiAnT124 Posts: 158 Member
    Also, do you guys take any sort of supplements or anything like that?
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Also, do you guys take any sort of supplements or anything like that?

  • LeGaCyGiAnT124
    LeGaCyGiAnT124 Posts: 158 Member
    First rule of running for beginners, never compare yourself to another runner. Your life will be so much easier that way.

    1) yes, usually. The more miles you run, the better you'll get at building endruance. But you want to keep it easy miles. Killing yourself running hard every run, burns you out and runs a higher risk of injury. Lots of factors will play into how quickly you build endurance.

    2) See above. The more you run, and get accustomed to running the easier it gets to run longer.

    A big tip to be able to run longer, is run slower. Too many beginners run too fast.

    I agree with running too fast. I feel comfortable around a 5.5 because it's not too hard on my body and it feels comfortable. My legs are really short too, so anything much faster than that makes me take larger strides which tire me out way faster.
  • LeGaCyGiAnT124
    LeGaCyGiAnT124 Posts: 158 Member
    Also, do you guys take any sort of supplements or anything like that?



    Why can't I run marathons by now then? :laugh: :laugh:
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    I am new to running on the treadmill ( Started around a month and a half ago) and have a few questions for you guys that have been doing it for way longer than I have. I noticed yesterday a woman around my age (early 20's), and noticed she had her incline set a 6.5 and and her speed between 6-8mph. She ended up running with that same incline for 3 miles, and did that in 27 minutes. That is 9 minute miles WITH the incline.

    I know I am just starting out and have a lot of training to do to be a better runner, but here are a few questions for you guys that run marathons and that sort of thing.

    1) Do you eventually just build up so much stamina/endurance that you can run for MILES without fatiguing?

    2) When do you actually start losing juice (Or is it the whole time, yet your body allows you to keep going?)

    My fastest mile without the incline is 9 minutes. That is pretty fast FOR ME and I am happy with it, but it was a little disappointing seeing someone else do it with a crazy incline doing 9 minutes miles consecutively. I can also run for a mile and a half tops before I am dead and have to stop. It just amazes me how people can keep going and going.


    My first recommendation is always to run in the street and not the treadmill. Treadmills do some of the work for you, the energy to pull your leg back, etc.

    Q1) Everybody fatigues. If we didnt, we would just be able to sprint for miles on end. Long distance running is about managing your fatigue.

    Q2) Really this is related to Q1. However, we work in the same way as a car. A car will burn more petrol if asked to go quicker, so to get from A to B on limited petrol, you would have to go at a sensible pace, rather than max speed.
  • PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot
    Running is completely individual. You can't really compare yourself to someone else when you've just started and they've been at it for a while. You need to build an aerobic base by building up slowly. As you build your aerobic base, your stamina will increase and you'll be able to go further without getting winded.

    The most common mistake that people just starting out make is going out too fast. It sounds like 9:00 is a hard effort for you. Cut it back to ~9:30 or ~10:00 and you'll be able to go further.

    Give it time. It gets easier.
  • MGreensides
    MGreensides Posts: 173 Member
    I began running 10mths ago and couldn't run for longer then 90 seconds without stopping for a walk break. I was presistant with doing as much as i could and the progress is astounding. I ran 94km's in the month of January and am training for my first half marathon.

    Don't compare yourself to others, compare to your last run. And get off the dreadmill!!!

    Also want to add that I strongly believe in 10/1's for any distance over 5k. Run 10mins walk 1min.
  • LeGaCyGiAnT124
    LeGaCyGiAnT124 Posts: 158 Member
    ^^^ How long can you jog now without stopping? I know this isn't the main point to running, but I am just curious how big of a build up you got in 10 months.

    I could probably do the 10 mins of jogging and then take a break. I guess it depends on what speed I set it at.
  • MGreensides
    MGreensides Posts: 173 Member
    I can do a 5k without stopping to walk but since I follow 10/1 I'm not really sure how far I could go. Also, I'm a slow runner but that doesn't bother me one bit. A mile is a mile, wether its a 10min mile or 15min mile. My ave pace is 7:30km
  • LeGaCyGiAnT124
    LeGaCyGiAnT124 Posts: 158 Member
    Thanks for the response! I think I am doing just fine starting out. I was merely curious how long it would take to build up enough endurance for running long distances. Run, Run, RUN!!!
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    Do you guys think the treadmill is easier/harder than running outside?

    Wont be able to run outside ATLEAST for a few weeks. Still snow everywhere and too cold. I can't handle running in the cold. It hurts my chest way too bad.

    How long have you guys been running for?

    I believe so. I'm only a new to running too - I started outdoors running on the 2/2. I highly suggest if you decide to go outside to get a 5K program. It gradually builds you up over time.

    Some things to remember:
    Breathe, breathe, breathe. Focus on your breath.
    Slow down if you need too, even if it's a jog or just a fast walk.
    Use something like RunKeeper to track your run/walk. When you see you went further or have a faster pace you feel so proud!

    Don't give up, I am jogging at 90 seconds right now but last week I only did 60 seconds per running interval. :)
  • LeGaCyGiAnT124
    LeGaCyGiAnT124 Posts: 158 Member
    Do you guys think the treadmill is easier/harder than running outside?

    Wont be able to run outside ATLEAST for a few weeks. Still snow everywhere and too cold. I can't handle running in the cold. It hurts my chest way too bad.

    How long have you guys been running for?

    I believe so. I'm only a new to running too - I started outdoors running on the 2/2. I highly suggest if you decide to go outside to get a 5K program. It gradually builds you up over time.

    Some things to remember:
    Breathe, breathe, breathe. Focus on your breath.
    Slow down if you need too, even if it's a jog or just a fast walk.
    Use something like RunKeeper to track your run/walk. When you see you went further or have a faster pace you feel so proud!

    Don't give up, I am jogging at 90 seconds right now but last week I only did 60 seconds per running interval. :)

    Are you saying just make it so that I am doing a 5K when I am able to go outside and run? Little confused on what you meant.

    I do focus on my breathing as well. It is something that I became accustomed to a few years ago from racing quads. I would become fatigued very quickly if I wasn't breathing correctly. I probably look extremely stupid running, but it's whatever. I make faces when I breathe for sure. It seems to help me.

    I will have to try that app when the weather breaks as well.

    What do you mean you are jogging at 90 seconds? Like you jog that then stop or what do you mean? A little thrown off :P
  • czmmom
    czmmom Posts: 236 Member
    I agree with most everyone who has posted. I started on the treadmill before running outside. It takes time to build up endurance to run faster. I started out running a 9:30-10 min mile depending on how far I was running. Since then I have worked my way to running a 8:30-9 min mile most of the time. I am actually working on slowing myself down for longer runs. It took me about 3 years to get there. My speed has picked up as I have added miles to my running. I don't do speed work or hills(on purpose at least. My whole neighborhood is hills so I guess I inadvertently do them all the time :-) )

    As far as running outside or treadmill being better. Personally I like running outside and live in an area where I can run most of the winter outside. The cold doesn't bother me and if it gets really cold (less than 20 degrees) it doesn't last and I can run when it's a tad warmer. I can't run nearly as long on a treadmill as I can outside. When I transitioned from the treadmill to outside, I had a hard time. Some people don't have as hard a time as I did. Some people swear by running outside and some people swear by treadmill running. Do what is best for you!!
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Here's what a year can do for you, and mind you I was a couch potato with residual fitness from a short running stint a couple years prior:

    My big issue from Jan-Apr of last year was trying to win a medal every time I would do a training run. I focused too much on maintaining an 8min/mi, and I was so banged up every day because of it. Once I slowed it down to 9:30ish and increased my volume, my results went through the roof (relatively). And I did no speedwork until just last month (training for a 30 Mar HM).
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    Are you saying just make it so that I am doing a 5K when I am able to go outside and run? Little confused on what you meant.
    I simple meant get an app that trains you do to 5K first - for instance I use C25K. I also have Zombies, Run 5K (haven't used it yet).
    What do you mean you are jogging at 90 seconds? Like you jog that then stop or what do you mean? A little thrown off :P
    With the program you do a certain amount of time running/jogging and then you walk. If you went with C25K your first 3 sessions will be 8 lots of 60 seconds of running/jogging and 90 seconds of walking I believe. :)
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    Running is completely individual. You can't really compare yourself to someone else when you've just started and they've been at it for a while. You need to build an aerobic base by building up slowly. As you build your aerobic base, your stamina will increase and you'll be able to go further without getting winded.

    The most common mistake that people just starting out make is going out too fast. It sounds like 9:00 is a hard effort for you. Cut it back to ~9:30 or ~10:00 and you'll be able to go further.

    Give it time. It gets easier.

    Agree with the too fast. I was a beginner in July last year. I've been working through the C25K. It's taking me ages to get through it! I've had a few bouts of illness, some busy times when I haven't had a chance to get out, and been on holiday, so it's not really surprising that it's taking me a while.

    C25K programmes vary widely. I'm using the free NHS podcasts:
    You can download them on itunes as a package, or individual weeks if you don't have itunes.

    Anyway, back on topic, I am running at about 7 mins per km at the moment, which is about 12 mins per mile. I suggest going slower than 9 mins per mile. Also, if you can run outside, do: it gets fresh air, and is harder (apparently it takes 25% less energy to run at the same pace on the treadmill).