1st Week with myfitnesspal

I'm Dave and live in Cape Cod. I originally used Weight Watchers online for about 1 year and lost 40 lbs.

Then I realized I really needed and wanted to build muscle and to get into top shape... so I joined a gym and my trainer gave me a diet to follow with a higher percentage of protein. I found myself gaining weight (about 15 lbs) but it was muscle and fat weight... my trainer advised me to track what I ate because maybe I wasn't getting enough protein.

A week ago I downloaded myfitnesspal and love it! I can track the percentages of protein, carbs and fat along with the calories. I discovered that I wasn't eating enough protein or fat... go figure! Just completed the 1st week and lost 4.2 lbs which I think is mostly fat!

Would like the app to show how much weight lost each week and line only connect to days you track not a straight line every day where you don't check in but overall the app is terrific!