Diet Plans

Ok, so I thought I'd share my story, as I've had a rollercoaster of a time with my weight loss/gain, and it seems I've finally found something that works, that I want to stick at, can see amazing results weekly and I can actually see myself doing this time next year!

Year before last I had my first child, I also discovered whilst pregnant I had gallstones, so after having him, I lost 2 stone as couldn't eat a great deal for fear of the pain. However, I had surgery following pancreatitis to remove my gallbladder,, and following that the weight literally piled on. I reached the heaviest I'd ever been - 275lbs and a size 24 in trouser size. It started effecting my health, and after me and my partner decided to have another baby, I knew it was time to shift the weight.

So, I saw an ad for a weight loss plan called Juice Plus. Don't know how many have heard of it, but it's changed my life. It is a 16 week plan, consisting of either (or both) shakes or capsules, you still eat, and all the food is so good I can't stomach crappy food anymore! You don't have to buy specialist meals or anything, it is literally a case of cutting out the bad and eating solely the good, wholesome and nutritious food. I have never felt so amazing.

I lost 7lb in the first week alone, and in the last 6 weeks of doing it, have shed 25lbs. In the first 5 weeks, I also went from a size 24, to an 18 - a size I haven't worn in 5 years or more. I lose on average between 3 and 5 lbs a week, which is much more than I was losing previously when I was calorie counting, but not necessarily being overcautious about what I ate. I now have another 87lbs to lose and that number seems so easy, as I'm consistently losing every week - and this is before I've started including exercise!

I do have lots more info on this if anyone else would like to know more, it's the best decision I've ever made, and since joining, so has my cousin and 4 friends who all love it as much as I do!

Just send me an email to, or message me on here and I can let you know more, if you're struggling a little on your own I'd recommend it to everyone. There's 1000+ people on the support group too (but I still stay on here too, could never leave MFP!) with loads of recipes, help and support :)


  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    I follow this great 'diet plan' too. It's basically where I eat whatever the hell I want as long as it fits into my calories and macros. I also lose weight, and I feel great, even more so now I've realised I don't have to spend money on diet pills!.

    In all seriousness though, I'm glad you are happy, but faster weight loss does not = better, and no tablet is a substitute for eating real fruit and veg.
  • lamps1303
    lamps1303 Posts: 432 Member
    I follow this great 'diet plan' too. It's basically where I eat whatever the hell I want as long as it fits into my calories and macros. I also lose weight, and I feel great, even more so now I've realised I don't have to spend money on diet pills!.

    In all seriousness though, I'm glad you are happy, but faster weight loss does not = better, and no tablet is a substitute for eating real fruit and veg.


    Firstly a huge well done on shifting the weight you have so far - weight loss isn't easy no matter what method you choose.

    The only thing I will say to you though, and it's up to you whether you take the advice, you need to consider what you will do once you hit your goal weight. The plan you're on at the moment is clearly working, but sadly it's not really sustainable (unless you're willing to pay for the pills and shakes which is unlikely for the rest of your life). You need to look at lifestyle change and a combination of healthy eating (calories between BMR and TDEE) and exercise. Don't be surprised if you start gaining weight again once you come of the pills and shakes. I don't mean to sound harsh in anyway, just trying to make you see that what you're doing at the moment isn't effective for sustainable weight loss.

    I honestly do wish you the best of luck and hope you reach your goals :happy:
  • mikayla169
    mikayla169 Posts: 40 Member
    That's the whole point of this, I've learnt what to cut out, I've learnt how to maintain weight rather than lose. I'm not on the capsules, but they're not a diet pill, they contain nothing but the essence of 27 fruit and veg, they are more to boost energy levels, improve hair, skin, nails etc - they are backed by scientists, athletes and celebrities (not that that matters to me, I'm not a fad diet follower). They are also safe in pregnancy, and I will be using them throughout pregnancy when I fall pregnant.
    It's also not a substitute, they are to be used alongside a balanced well maintained diet consisting very much of fruit and veg.

    The way this has helped me is it's taught me about healthy nutrition and I've ditched the bad eating habits I'd never been able to. Calorie counting works to a degree, but eating chocolate and 'whatever the hell you want' but staying within a controlled calorie limit is no better!!

    It's worked for me, and can work for others. This calorie counting alone I was also eating whatever the hell I wanted and wasn't satisfied with weight or inch loss. The only reason I'm happy to back this plan is because I don't have to follow a points system, it's not a hunger suppressant, it contains no chemicals, I can still eat and at the same time am learning how to adjust my eating my habits to continue losing and also to maintain once I've reached my goal. I eat whatever the hell I want now, except I eat what's healthy, without all the toxins and additives.

    Each to their own!