Any vegans out there?

Hi, I have mostly been a vegetarian since I was a teenager. No red meat but pork or chicken if the taste was covered up by sauces and veggies. I watched the documentary Earthlings this week and it was so moving. I want to be healthy but I would like to do it vegan. I'm not going to be a natzi about it but I want to make the best choices for my family when I'm shopping and cooking. Anyone else on here do the same??


  • Seeds45
    Please, don't take offense , but if you are eating pork and chicken with or with out sauce you are no where near vegetarian. You may be on the right road, but you are still a flesh eater. I think you may find it hard to go Vegan without being Vegetarian first. Maybe not. Try NO flesh first, then drop dairy or eggs, then keep on keeping on. Read read read. The China Study, Anything by Dr. John McDougall, T. Colin Campbell, Esselstyn. Check out Dr.McDougall's web site, tons of things to read and use.
    For recipes check out name says it all -vegetarian.
    You can do this for you and your family. I was cooking 2 different meals for over 20 years before my husband joined me. Now for the last 4 years vegan it is. He told me he felt better in a matter of weeks, I don't remember as it has been over 20 years. Also, remember you can be a fat vegan. Potato chips are vegan, but are they healthy? I lived this and still do at times. Butter was my last hold off. Butter or margarine? Animal fat or chemicals? I went with the animal fast for years and years. No longer. Now I don't use either. Extreme? Maybe, but it is working for me. We all have our own formula to reach our goal.
    There are also many DVD's out there that can help and give you ideas. Earthlings is one, but the shock factor may be a lot for some. Forks over Knives is wonderful, Food Inc., The Future of Food. Eating, a PBS series. Engine 2 by Rip Esselstyn shows how diet changed an entire fire house from fat firemen to HUNK firemen.
    You are on the right track, remember, slow and steady wins the race. Kids will be easier then husbands!! They pretty much eat what you put in front of them, husbands may whine for a while. Once they see how wonderful they feel, they will try to tell you this was their idea. Let them think that if it keeps the peace. You will always know it was you.
    Good luck with your journey and PM me if you want or need ideas or recipes.
  • I am vegan , 80 % raw vegan, Have you seen the movie forks over knives? watch it if you've not . great information on how what we eat effects our health. Good informative movie also the website , I used to have to take medicine for being diabetic, shots and pills, now I don't after I changed to a plant based diet. Private message me if you want , /'i would love to help. I started on a full vegan diet 2 years ago and have dropped over 100 pounds.! take care, Michelle .