Fitbit vs Polar HRM



  • SarahBeth0625
    SarahBeth0625 Posts: 685 Member
    If you had to pick just one, I'd definitely go with the HRM. I have both, and the Fitbit is mainly a pedometer and has a hard time tracking other activities accurately.

    This makes sense. A friend online was recently asking about a Fitbit and complaining about the cost so I suggested the HRM... she said, well, for $30 more I'll take the fitbit. I guess if she is walking/running... makes more sense. But I like seeing caloric burn and heartrate.
  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member
    If you had to pick just one, I'd definitely go with the HRM. I have both, and the Fitbit is mainly a pedometer and has a hard time tracking other activities accurately.

    This makes sense. A friend online was recently asking about a Fitbit and complaining about the cost so I suggested the HRM... she said, well, for $30 more I'll take the fitbit. I guess if she is walking/running... makes more sense. But I like seeing caloric burn and heartrate.

    I don't think the FitBit accurately estimates the calories burned by running, but it does do pretty good logging the miles. I also used my HRM while running and would enter my calories burned into MFP based on my HRM instead of what FitBit would sync. I think it works best if you use both a HRM and the FitBit.
  • atozkennedy
    atozkennedy Posts: 6 Member
    But are you talking the basic fit bit or the fitbit flex? I thought that one was more than just a fancy pedometer?

    I would love to get the Polar FT7 but it's out of my budget. I was thinking of the FT2 but no one seems to have it which makes me wonder why.

    I want to see accurate calorie burn and heart rate during workouts. I thought the flex was sufficient for that but maybe not?
  • atozkennedy
    atozkennedy Posts: 6 Member
    Ordering from Amazon is SO much cheaper! My friend was able to get a 'deal' on the FT2, for $85. I can get the FT4 for less than that on Amazon.
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    Heart rate for exercise, always. Fitbit is more for people who want to track their steps/walking I believe. :)
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I have a Polar T4 and a fitbit Ultra. They are totally different devices to be used for different purposes. My fitbit, which I have worn daily since July 2012 motivates me to stay active all day. . . I check pretty regularly and if my steps are lower than usual for that time of day, I will get up and walk around. I set goals for midday and day end and I think this has been a key to my ability to maintain after I hit my goal.

    The HRM helps me more accurately determine calorie burn during more formal exercise. I use mine when I'm on the treadmill, riding my bike, or jumping on my fitness trampoline.

    I think both devices have their use, but for overall encouragement to get moving, I'd say the fitbit wins.