Mind-Food: What are you REALLY hungry for?

I just wrote a blog regarding this, which I'll post a link to at the end of my post. But what I really want to know, is when you feel like eating for no real reason, what is it that you're *actually* hungry for? I'm pretty sure I've posted this same type of topic a long time ago, and the answers were varied. It's interesting to look into your own (and others'!) psyche(s).

What void are you trying to fill up with food?



  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    Good question??? I think half the time I am just bored, I find myself eating and eating and I am not hungry at all!! I am really trying to work on this.
  • nursevee
    nursevee Posts: 344 Member
    It's usually something sugary and carb-a-licious. Most of the time I can really distract myself from that unless I'm really emtional (ie: upset, PMS etc). If I avoid having stuff in the house that tempts me then I have half the issue beat OR I find alternatives that I feel I can safely snack on without knowing i'll be potentially ruining my day. The last 3 weeks have been really good for me and the more I get back into things the more determined I become. I need not preach this to you since you clearly understand!
  • NH_1970
    NH_1970 Posts: 544 Member
    My friend Aim and I talked about this once, we came up with this.
    For Cravings.

    Sweet and creamy foods = I want the sweet and smooth stuff in life that I'm missing
    Salty foods = grounding which means I'm feeling flighty and need something to pull me back down into my skin so I can experience my body/life fully.
    Crunchy chomoping foods = something is chewing at me or irritating me and I'm working it out through my jaw action.

    Random eating when not hungry = I'm bored and need something to do.

    balanced food choices = balanced me.

    Eating when sad/stressed/depressed = I am eating my emotions instead of feeling my emotions.

    Chocolate = I need to eat an orange and get vitamin c in me and my body wants 'comfort' warmth and good emotions in it. (try taking a nice bath instead. & eat the orange. and do some self-pampering - Love yourself. )

    Bitter foods = my liver and emotions needs attention and support.

    Insatiable hunger = Have I drank enough water today?

    ps- great post about your hubby picking you up Lady :)