Any P90X3 reviews?

I'm thinking about getting P90X3, but wanted some opinions first. I did P90X a couple of years ago and really loved it...except for the time committment! I work full time and am in grad school and have a family, so my workouts really need to be kept shorter if possible. I admit that I haven't worked out in a while other than hiking and walking. What do people think of the program? Will I die if I do it at my curent fitness level, even with modifiers? Do you feel it has been a worthwhile purchase? My goal is pretty general, I'm most interested in getting strong and healthy (and weight loss/toning should follow). Thoughts?



  • NoExcusesFitnessCoach

    I'm currently on week 5 of P90X3. I absolutely love the program. X3 starts out with a relatively easy block to get you used to the program. It's tough, but very doable and almost any fitness level. There are modifications for every workout. To me, you can definitely make it work. I'm 41 and was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 8 years ago and I'm doing it without a problem. Again, I really love the program.

    I think what I like most about it is that it is very balanced as far as the type of exercise you're doing. There is strength training combined with cardio, stretching, and agility training. It improves your athleticism while getting you in incredible shape. I 100% am thrilled I made the investment! Feel free to message me if you have more specific questions. Happy to help.

    :happy: Wendy