What's your secret?


I am new to MFP and I would love to get more information from those who have been on here for awhile. My name is Jenn and I have about 50+ pounds to lose to get to my goal weight and I know this is going to be a long journey and a lifetime commitment, but I would love some support and advice.

In the two days that I have reviewed the site, I love that there is so much food nutritional information listed, this makes creating recipes and entering food on a daily basis super simple (much better than my excel spreadsheet I had manually created!). I also like that I can enter my excercise information, I had no idea how many calories could be burned in a little amount of time; granted I understand this will not always be as I start to lose weight. I have entered my information for yesterday and today (with what I plan on eating)

I would love to know what has worked for others out there, especially those that had more than 50 pounds to lose, but if anyone feels they have figured out the "secret" please feel free to share.

If you would like to add me as a friend, feel free, not 100% sure how this all works!

Thanks in advance
