Putting yourself down makes me sad

I have been doing this journey for 27 weeks and its not been easy and its been long but I have come to notice things about myself and others along the way. A lot of the things I see, read and hear, as far as weight loss success and trials go, are inspiring to me. But... now this is a big butt... I really really dislike people putting themselves down so negatively.

ITs great to post your before pics and the after pics on sites like facebook and mfp and youtube but when you make comments like "I was whale" or "look how gross I was" or worse... that puts me off. it really bothers me.

I have those undesirable pictures too. I try my best not to think out loud or post negative comments about myself because I have to remember and think back to the woman standing there so big and ready to lose weight and how she felt and hoped to be. She was driven and motivated. She finally decided it was enough of the denial. SHe has worked her butt off, literally, and come so far. That is what I need to always remind myself when I look at my last summer's pics of me.

I feel like we all get a bit quick to judge ourselves and others once we lose a significant amount of weight. I am guilty of this as well, even though I try not to be. I just felt like I should point this out to the ones just starting or to the ones who are in the middle and ends of their weight loss journeys. Stay positive. Be a role model if not to anyone else but yourself. I think getting healthy is changing yourself inside and out, emotionally and physically. We are all in the same boat when it comes to trying to control or change our weights or even body fitness levels. Its hard work. Be easy on yourself. That is pretty much what I wanted to point out. (I felt I had to post this after seeing a thread on one of my facebook motivation groups) Good luck everyone. You can do it.


  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I love your attitude!

    For me one thing that really sticks out in my mind from MFP posts (and not in a BAD way for me personally) is seeing photos of women's backs on here in a thread about back fat and work outs. It was all of these women who started out just somewhat overweight, or at a normal weight but not very toned etc, hardly anyone in that thread was obese. Their "before" photos were paired up with "afters" showing totally flat backs and sometimes very tightly muscled backs with visible spine/rib areas...which to me, all bodies can look beautiful and that is not a bad thing. I didn't think any of them looked "too thin" etc...I don't really like to classify bodies that way.

    But for me it was the BEFORE photos that actually inspired me because they looked just like MY back. And for me that was an awesome win!!! Those women were normal, or a little overweight when they took the "befores"...and my back now looked/looks like their before photos. So what may have been gross to them was great to me. I've lost over 100 lb and for me that was a good thing to have a slightly pudgy but mostly flat back. It felt like success.

    I just wish everyone could regard themselves (and others) lovingly at any weight!!

    This is one reason I haven't dredged up many photos from my heaviest. Partly, I just don't like to see them because I never FELT as big as I look there. But also, I love that girl even when she was 307 lb. That girl is ME! I don't want to ridicule her.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    well said. I posted my pics of before on here. BUt yes, I don't want to look at myself and think bad thoughts. My husband loved those curves. I got hit on no matter what I weighed by random people. I laughed. I lived, basicly. I post the pictures because I dotn want to forget how far I have come and how far I set out to go. We have to love ourselves more. :flowerforyou:
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Oh yeah nothin' wrong with posting befores :-)
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    I also think this is a great attitude. As unhappy as I was about being fat, I had a lot of great things in my life. As I had seen pointed out elsewhere, "fat me" was the one who decided to lose weight, do it right, and stick with it when the going was rough.