help me up my calories

I have been told so many times that I'm starving myself. I eat about 900 calories a day but burn 350 at the gym. My typical schedule varies but is usually
Monday 7-8 9-12 (breakfast egg whites and 2 strip turkey bacon without nitrates and nirartes with an apple and natural peanut butter 390 calories) 1215-215 (gym) 3-530 (snack Greek yogurts orange and string cheese 230 calories) 7-9 dinner grapefruit salad Feta cheese chicken basalmic dressing 265 calories

Tuesday 7-8 9-11 (gym) 12 (lunch) 3-530 (snack) 7-9 (dinner)

Wednesday 7-8 9-12 (breakfast) 1215-215 (gym) 3-530 (snack) 7-9 (dinner)

Thursday 7-8 9-11 (gym) 12 (lunch) 3-530 (snack) 7-9 (dinner)

Friday 7-8 9-12 (breakfast) 1215-215 (gym) 3-530 (snack) 7-9 (dinner)

my meals are always the same but my question is how to fit in more food. I honestly feel full with just what I'm eating


  • tegalicious
    Sometimes you just have to force yourself to eat a little more. And switch to whole fat dairy and whole eggs. Add some butter on to your eggs. Get regular bacon. Or have two more strips of turkey bacon. Use a higher fat dressing on your salad. Have some ice cream for dessert. Make your eggs with coconut oil. Buy bigger apples. Add nuts and seeds to your salad. Add cheese to your eggs. Add more cheese to your salad. There are lots of ways to add calories to your day that don't involve eating mass quantities of food. And seriously. Just eat more. Being "full" isn't necessarily a sign that you are getting enough food and nutrients.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Ice cream,
    full fat milk products (milk, cheese, yogurt)
    no lite or diet foods,
    add olive oil to food you already eat
    Nuts, seeds
    nut butters,
    real bacon,
    eggs (not egg whites)
    pop tarts

    You also need way more protein then you are getting. try for at least 100 grams/day
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    If you have been eating that low, it is possible your hunger cues are all screwy. Eat the egg with yolk, eat real bacon, eat some of the foods you did before you made this drastic change.

    P.S. What the heck are you doing at the gym for 2 hours?
  • cjazz72
    cjazz72 Posts: 80 Member
    So base on how many calories a day you consume 900 minus how many calories you burn at the gym 350. You basically have a net calories of 550 calories that your body is functioning on. You should really be at minimum 1200 calories a day or else your body will go into starvation mode. I would suggest eating back those calories you burned off because even when your done with your workout your still burning calories all day long.
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    Your menu clearly shows that you chose each thing because it's light in calories (why else does anyone eat turkey bacon?) So you already know you could exchange them for the real deal and up your calories instantly while still maintaining the same food volume. (Whole eggs instead of whites, regular bacon, etc.) You could also add chopped avocado to your eggs once they're cooked. Eat nuts throughout the day or add them to your meals. Just choose more calorie-dense foods if you want the calories without a lot of volume.
  • JengaJess
    JengaJess Posts: 109 Member
    you eat the same thing every day?! :noway: i would go crazy.
    is that something you're going to be able to keep up for... ever? remember weight loss is a long journey and it's important to learn how to have a maintainable diet. but if that works for you, then it works for you.

    but to answer your question, add some candied walnuts to your salad. they taste great in salads, full of good fat and protein and will add calories. Have some avocado with your eggs. Unless you're using egg whites for a specific health reason (other than being low cal), use real eggs. Eat real cheese, in stead of WW light cheese sticks.
    Snack of fruits and add more veggies. You'd be surprised how many calories you can add by just adding in more veggies or fruits to each meal. Throw some corn in your salad. Maybe some craisins. Eat fruit with your breakfast.

    Don't be afraid to avoid "diet" foods. They're not always better for you just because they have lower calories.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Good ideas above.

    I would add some nuts or granola to the Greek yogurt. Instead of a salad for dinner, try roasting some veggies in olive oil to put beside a chicken breast (or any other kind of meat you like, for that matter). Get some hummus or other dips with veggies when you're snacking.

    And don't be afraid to drink your calories if you can't eat more. Fruit and veggie juices, coffee w/ creamer, protein shakes and smoothies, whatever you like.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    If you have been eating that low, it is possible your hunger cues are all screwy. Eat the egg with yolk, eat real bacon, eat some of the foods you did before you made this drastic change.

    P.S. What the heck are you doing at the gym for 2 hours?

    I agree with this. You need to eat more.

    Although you might be eating more than you think... Greek yogurt + orange + string cheese is probably more than 230 calories for example (typically 120 calories for the yogurt, 100 for the orange, 80 for the cheese).. Same for the dinner, unless you use a tiny bit of chicken and feta it's probably more than 265 calories. So it might be why you feel full too.