How many times to keep starting?

dion07 Posts: 16 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
hi there
im finding this so had, i really am, each day i can feel the weight going up & keep saying to myself that i just cant do this, all my confidence is gone, i feel worse today then last week, in my head when i eat the wrong food i think ah sure il start now, its a visious cycle, im doing this to myself, the higher i see my weight go up, the harder it is, i am convinced if i was in a different job i would be ok, i work around food constantly & its my main downfall.
i dont expect anyone to have any sypathy for me, i just wish each day, that this will be the day!!
maybe tomorrow please god..i want to change my life, please give me the strenght to do this.


  • Jillid71
    Jillid71 Posts: 38 Member
    You know, every day is a new beginning- tomorrow, try to get through just 1 day, following the program- eat right, resist stress temptations, and get in some cardio- get through 1 day, and see how you are feeling the next. Then get through that day....

    Do this each day for 7 days- weigh yourself, and see if you can reverse this. I KNOW you can!!! We just need YOU to KNOW you can.

    And remember- you deserve it!!!

    Let me know how you are doing in 7 days....
  • Oh will find a way to do it! I know that it is really hard and everyone of us on here struggle to some extent or the other. Ask yourself..................why did I come to this site and join? Find that motivation that brought you here. Eating healthy and exercise are definitely not easy, but your overall health and happiness are worth the effort. It gets a bit easier as you become accustomed to a new way of life, but there will be those days that we feel set back, but keep on going forward and find your way.................... We are all here for you and just an email or blog away:smile:
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    Is this job you have going to be your job forever? I know I could never work in the food industry again b/c I would never stay healthy so I had to take myself out of that situation. I know getting another job seems crazy, but if you can't handle that situation then maybe rethink it. just like I could not be in my house with a bunch of tempting snacks, maybe you can't be in a job with the same thing?

    Instead of thinking you are re-starting, just try to think you are continuing on... this way if you have a bad day or weekend you can't tell yourself you are re-starting again on monday or next week, you will have to continue on the next day.
    I hope this helps good luck!
  • themyriadthings
    themyriadthings Posts: 225 Member
    You already have the strength in you to 'do' and not 'wish'! :) Even if all you do is log your food to become more aware of what you're eating and the choices you're making, you are moving towards your goal of doing things differently. Or start by increasing your water intake, even if you make no other changes. So I guess to answer your question - start as many times as it takes! Feel free to add me as a friend if you want daily encouragement - I am on MFP every day :)
  • Amarea
    Amarea Posts: 91 Member
    How many times to keep starting? Every single day. It doesn't matter what you did yesterday. You could have eaten well and exercised, or eaten a bunch of poor choices and watched TV all day. All that matters is today. Make one small difference every day. As above, drink more water, or go for a walk, or just say I'm going to log every morsel I put in my mouth no matter how it adds up. You have to make the choice to continue on every day no matter whether you've lost nothing or lost 200 pounds. You're strong enough to do it. You obviously want to do it. The most important thing I've learned is to stop beating myself up over poor choices, which still happen to all of us sometimes, and just keep going. I've lost 16 pounds, but I could have lost a lot more if I haven't had my ups and downs. Would you tell me I'm doing a terrible job because I had a bad day? I bet you wouldn't. I committed to a change of life on 8/1/2010, and 6 weeks later I'm down 16 pounds. Better than where I was, and who knows what another 6 weeks will bring. All I know is that all these people on here are doing the same thing, working their way to a new way of eating and living. You can do this too. There's absolutely no doubt in my mind. Small changes, 1 step at a time. Believe in yourself!
  • dion07
    dion07 Posts: 16 Member
    thank you all for your encouragement,, as somebody said take one day at a time, i will do my best & not keep looking at the big picture
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    For over a year my best friend and I would complain that we were gaining weight weekly. We kept complaining and were baffled at what why nothing was changing. We did this daily over lunch at various local restaurants. LOL Seriously, we honestly sat there shoveling in yeast rolls, baked potatoes, pasta with cheese sause etc and wondering why we just couldn't seem to lose weight. One day they opened a new gym right next to my office. I stopped talking and wishing and ACTED. I went in, signed up for a personal trainer and begain hitting the gym every day and started eating right. I lost 75 pounds in that first year.

    The bottom line. Wishing doesn't make anything happen. YOU have to make it happen. If you really want to do it, then make a plan. What are you goals? What changes are you going to make to your lifestyle to achieve them? When are you going to acheive them? SET A DEADLINE. Write it down and post it on your refrigerator and read it everyday. Tell your friends and family and ask for their support. It's a lot harder to fall off the wagon when you've told people what you are doing and asked them to help hold you accountable.

    Now, here's the tricky part. You are not going to stick to the plan everyday. There will be times when life get's in the way or you fall off the wagon. That's ok, adjust. One of the biggest reasons people fail is because they take an "All or Nothing" attitude. They mess up and have pancakes and syrup for breakfast so they just blow off the rest of the day thinking they'll start over tomorrow. There's no more start over. Make a mistake, just move on.

    And don't try to make HUGE all incompassing changes. Change just one thing today. Once that becomes a habit. Change something else. Yes, it will take longer, but it will be easier and painless and you'll be healthier and happier.

    As for working in the food industry. You're right, that is hard. Plan a defense. Everytime you reach for food, put it down and drink some water or unsweetened tea. If you still are hungry or have time once you've downed a full glass, then have three bites of what you were reaching for. If you still need more, wait 5 get the idea. Don't tell yourself "NO" just have a plan in place to help you think before you give in to temptation.

    Lastly--telling yourself that you can't do something is a sure fire way to fail. You have to tell yourself, and beleive it, that you can do it.

    Good Luck.
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Never give up starting again. Every tomorrow is a new day. :flowerforyou:
  • Mkserpa
    Mkserpa Posts: 136
    It's a good idea to start with baby steps. Don't drop your food intake to the bare minimum right off the bat. Start slowly and the rest will follow suit.:smile: Whether you just start walking a little bit each day or you add an extra glass of water to your meal or you substitute the candy bar for an apple. It's those little steps that will get the ball rolling. Once you get into a habit and a routine it will become second nature. I know you can do it!:flowerforyou: We all have those problems when we first start and there are so many of us who overcome the initial shock of change. But this change is for the better!:happy: You need to be healthy and happy! I know you can do it!
  • one thing that helped me was to realize that I wasn't on a time table. sometimes we put ourselves on a time table as to when all the weight will be gone and then when that moment comes and goes we quit! So don't look at when but start looking at now! Before you know it you are well on your way and seeing results!!!
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