I admit it, I'm a food addict...



  • Sharleeneet
    Sharleeneet Posts: 6 Member
    I do think there is something to being addicted to certain substances like sugar. I read recently that sugar increases seratonin (not sure how to spell that, it's the feel good hormone in the brain) and makes you feel good. After 40 years of binge eating and gaining lots of weight, and losing lots of weight, I finally settled down to a simple way of life and have lost 80 lbs, 40 yet to go.

    I record every morsel of food no matter what it was, I record all the liquid, too, I hold to a 1500 calorie target, I hang out with people who are supportive rather than the opposite, I simply never enter a fast-food place, I do the math each day and if I've used more calories than I consumed then I've met my goal and I won't add weight that day. This website is fantastic for recording food! Using this website is habit forming.

    I'm finally incorporating exercise into my life and it's been easy. (Having lost 80 lbs I can finally bend over and touch my toes without falling over!) I also notice that when I exercise I feel really great and energized which I think is weird. I bought one of those FitBit things to record movement/steps and I set up the FitBit website to synch with this one.

    Oh yeah, like others have said, I call on God to remove my cravings and take control of my eating - sometimes I pray for that many times in a day. Maybe that's the most important part of my get weight loss/get health journey. One meal at a time, one day at a time and pray when I need help.

    I wish you the best going forward, there is certainly lots of really good advice and tons of support on this website -- take advantage!