Need help with accountability

Hi all,
So far I've been on MFP for 3 years and have lost nothing. I keep trying new diets and that hasn't worked out, so now I'm calorie counting, which would work, if I could go without cheating and starting over continuously. I would like some friends that I can be accountable to and help out as well. It's just very frustrating when I can't go a day without going over my calories.


  • beebeewho
    beebeewho Posts: 27 Member
    Hi all,
    So far I've been on MFP for 3 years and have lost nothing. I keep trying new diets and that hasn't worked out, so now I'm calorie counting, which would work, if I could go without cheating and starting over continuously. I would like some friends that I can be accountable to and help out as well. It's just very frustrating when I can't go a day without going over my calories.
    Do you have a workout regiment to go along with your diet? Maybe don't try to make major changes, and start small at first! Little changes and better decisions can lead to a great trend! It's super hard, I'm working on being more disciplined and to end my binge eating habits for good.
  • Texasnewfiegirl
    Texasnewfiegirl Posts: 10 Member
    it is a mind set. You can do this! Get some pals that are supportive, exercise and eat right and every thing else will fall into place.
  • Thanks ladies, one of my problems is trying to do more things then failing. Maybe starting with little things at first is a better idea.
  • NuggetLovesEdie
    NuggetLovesEdie Posts: 477 Member
    Small changes reap big rewards!

    I have no idea who said that. :)

    I've been chipping away at some extra weight for the last 4 years. Coolest thing is that I kind of lost track of logging in the fall, but I didn't gain any weight back really, because of the small changes I've put in place.

    Happy to add mutually supportive friends here.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    If you're not willing to do it for yourself, internet strangers aren't going to be able to do it for you. Find a reason that works for you.

    We aren't gonna be there to say "hey, you.. it's 2AM, just go back to bed.. you don't need that peanut butter and bacon sandwich" or whatever. Nor are any of us gonna know if you're cheating on your intake... since that depends on your honesty.

    When you're ready, you'll do it. You just aren't ready yet.
  • I think it's also very helpful remember that each day is an opportunity to start over. I sometimes find that tackling one day at a time is easier than looking at how much weight I have to lose yet. If I have a successful day, I use that to bring on another successful day. If I have a poor day and go over calories, I forgive myself and move on because the next day is an opportunity to have a successful day.

    I like the idea of starting with the little things; maybe just change a snack or meal just slightly this week and add from there. Don't forget to forgive yourself. We all didn't put this weight on overnight so it's unreasonable to expect it to go away overnight.

    Good luck!

  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    Thanks ladies, one of my problems is trying to do more things then failing. Maybe starting with little things at first is a better idea.

    This is a great starting point.

    Also nothing wrong with small initial changes i.e. Start walking more & accurately log daily. Even if you go over it'll help you suss out triggers, & keep you in the right mind set.
  • Texasnewfiegirl
    Texasnewfiegirl Posts: 10 Member
    My advice would be to start small. Set small goals for yourself. are you looking to maintain, gain or loose weight? If like me loosing weight is your answer, I advise you to OPEN your food diary to others so your pals can comment on the foods you are eating and tracking to help keep you in line.
  • Jurow
    Jurow Posts: 20 Member
    make sure your honest when you fill out your food diary include all the little things even if its just a couple of frie or a block of chocolate, youll be surprised how much they all add up. also you get a better picture of your eating habits i know ive noiced on mine and now im more weary when it comes to a couple of pointless biscuits.

    little changes are good choose one then once its become habit move on to another,
  • omatga
    omatga Posts: 56 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm looking for accountability partners too. I'm at my goal weight but I know to stay there, it's a constant work in progress!