Whole body compound workout...

... a.k.a. shoveling snow, a.k.a. Canada's most popular workout, is what I did for 30 mins today...


... and it was waaay easier than just a month ago, before I started strength training following the general advice I found here.

So thank you guys, you are already making the quality of my life that much better :heart:

(*not me in the photo, just for illustration purposes)


  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    What is it Rip says? Something like "stronger people are more useful in general and harder to kill"

    Congrats on one of life's little victories!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    What is it Rip says? Something like "stronger people are more useful in general and harder to kill"

    Congrats on one of life's little victories!


    And this is why we say being stronger makes life easier- and also why people like Anderson- who say never lift more than 3 lbs are just insane. LIfe is hard- *kitten* is heavy. get stronger so you can lift it!!!

    Good job- come down here and shovel for me now!!! LOL